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Lewis Teague
Tom Skerritt, Patti LuPone, Michael Sarrazin
Writing Credits:
Tom Hedley, David Z. Goodman

Tired of rampant crime, a shop owner organizes a neighborhood watch.

Rated R.


Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
English LPCM Monaural
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 96 min.
Price: $39.95
Release Date: 7/4/23

• “Enough Is Enough” Featurette
• “DANNY-CAM” Featurette
• Trailer & TV Spot
• Image Gallery


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Fighting Back [Blu-Ray] (1982)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (July 3, 2023)

Vigilante movies go back many years, but the genre didn’t really pick up steam until Death Wish in 1974. For something in that vein, we go to 1982’s Fighting Back.

In Philadelphia, John D'Angelo (Tom Skerritt) runs a small neighborhood deli. However, crime increasingly threatens both his business and his family.

Fed up, John organizes a neighborhood watch to take on the bad behavior. This leads to dangerous ramifications for John and the others involved.

Going into Back, I figured it would offer a meat-headed “might makes right” statement. Oh, I assumed it would toss in some racist elements as well, given its white hero and roster of minorities as criminals.

And you know what? Back delivers pretty much exactly what I expected.

If you want any nuance, look elsewhere. Better-made movies dig into the dark side of a movement such as John’s, but Back barely acknowledges these issues.

Oh, it pays lip service, as it acknowledges the potential negatives. However, it paints matters in such a simplistic way that it never really hints that we should view John as the extra-legal fascist he is.

From start to finish, Back depicts John as the smart, effective man of action. Cops? Cowardly and ineffective.

Politicians? Corrupt and only concerned with their own power and profits.

John wears the white hat in town and acts as the savior of the streets. Hey, who cares how many laws he breaks as long as he cracks the right heads along the way!

This message will always appeal to some, and I do get it at its core. In a world gone to crap, people want someone to take charge.

However, self-appointed “sheriffs” don’t feel like the right solution. Characters like John live out macho fantasies and not much more.

Again, if approached with some sense of introspection, Back could bring a decent look at the topic. Since it opts for cheesy theatrics instead, it fails to deliver anything insightful.

To justify John’s heavy-handed tactics, the movie goes to comical extremes to depict the brutality of the streets. Back features silly moments like some common street hoods who actually attempt to cut off the finger of John’s mom to get to her rings.

Do sequences like this make a lick of sense? Not really, but they picture the criminals as so extreme that the audience can’t help but accept John’s assaults.

We do find a good cast, though Skerritt seems woefully miscast as the hot-headed Philly man. Skerritt overacts a storm and makes an already lunkheaded character even less believable.

Ultimately, Fighting Back just feels like a right-wing fantasy come to life. Devoid of nuance or depth, it lacks real impact.

The Disc Grades: Picture B+/ Audio B-/ Bonus C

Fighting Back appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.85:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. This became a pretty pleasing presentation.

Sharpness usually worked well. A smattering of slightly soft shots emerged, but the majority of the movie brought appealing accuracy.

I saw no signs of jagged edges or shimmering, and edge haloes failed to materialize. Grain felt light but natural, while outside of one or two tiny specks, print flaws remained absent.

Colors went with a natural – albeit low-key - palette and the hues worked well. The various tones came across as well-depicted within the movie’s choices.

Blacks seemed deep and dark, while shadows appeared well-rendered. The image held up nicely over the last 41 years.

I also felt the movie’s LPCM monaural soundtrack seemed satisfactory for a flick from 1982. Speech occasionally displayed a smidgen of edginess, but the lines usually appeared natural, and they always were intelligible.

Music appeared fairly full, while effects boasted reasonable accuracy. Some distortion accompanied louder elements like gunshots, but these elements brought more than decent definition in general. Nothing here impressed, but the mix suited the movie.

A few extras fill out the disc. Enough Is Enough runs 29 minutes and brings notes from director Lewis Teague.

The filmmaker discusses his career as well as aspects of Fighting Back. Teague covers these domains nicely – and unlike pretty much anyone else who ever knew Martin Scorsese, he actually pronounces the filmmaker’s last name correctly!

DANNY-CAM goes for 22 minutes, eight seconds. It offers info from camera operator Daniele Nannuzzi.

As expected, Nannuzzi discusses his work on Fighting Back. The cameraman provides worthwhile notes about the shoot, various challenges and related domains.

In addition to the film’s UK trailer and a US TV spot, we finish with an Image Gallery. Its 14 frames show publicity stills and advertisements.

A vigilante tale in the Death Wish vein, Fighting Back lacks intelligence or insight. Instead, it simply offers a tacky take on its topic. The Blu-ray boasts very good picture as well as appropriate audio and some bonus materials. This could’ve become an insightful movie but it flops.

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