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Rachel Talalay
Cast:Robert Englund, Lisa Zane, Shon Greenblatt
Writing Credits:
Michael De Luca

Dream-haunting Freddy Krueger returns once again to prowl the nightmares of Springwood's last surviving teenager, and of a woman whose personal connection to Krueger may mean his doom.

Box Office:
$11 million.
Opening Weekend:
$12,966,525 on 1862 Screens
Domestic Gross

Rated R.

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
English DTS-HD MA 5.1
English Dolby 2.0
French Dolby 2.0
German Dolby 2.0
Italian Dolby 2.0
Castillian Monaural
Portuguese Dolby 2.0
Czech Dolby 2.0
Thai Dolby 2.0
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 89 min.
Price: $59.99
Release Date: 10/2/2012
Available as 7-Movie Nightmare on Elm Street Set

• “Rachel’s Dream” Featurette
• “3D Demise” Featurette
• “86’d” Featurette
• “Hellraiser” Featurette
• Trailer


-LG OLED65C6P 65-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV
-Marantz SR7010 9.2 Channel Full 4K Ultra HD AV Surround Receiver
-Panasonic DMP-BD60K Blu-Ray Player
-Chane A2.4 Speakers
-SVS SB12-NSD 12" 400-watt Sealed Box Subwoofer


Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare [Blu-Ray] (1991)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (March 28, 2021)

Some people never learn.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge often gets rated as the series' worst offering, and that partly stems from the way it ignores the "rules" of the Nightmare universe. It also does a terrible job with continuity, and it generally appears to be from a different run of films than the others.

The same holds true for 1991's Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. An uncompelling mix of freak-show strangeness and cartoony horror, it provides one of the series' worst releases.

Dead does little right and seems generally poor. It appears pretty clear this one existed just to collect one more Freddy-related payday.

A decade after the events of the last film, nightmare killer Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) appears to satisfy his desire for vengeance, as he kills all the kids from his hometown. However, this doesn’t satisfy Freddy’s lust for violence, so he seeks new territory.

Actually, Freddy left one potential victim alive: teen “John Doe” (Shon Greenblatt). When “John” winds up in a home for troubled kids, Freddy stalks new blood.

As with the second movie in the series, Dead eliminates any character consistency outside of Freddy himself. Nightmare 3 carried along some participants from the first film, and both Nightmare 4 and Nightmare 5 continued this trend.

Although the ideas got looser as the series progressed, all the sequels other than Revenge make some sense in regard to Krueger's motive. Originally he tried to get back at the Elm Street parents who killed him by stalking their children.

That rule went out the window in Revenge, where Freddy cared about geography but not involvement. It came back in Nightmare 3 and made a partial return in Nightmare 4, but at least when his slaughter branched out to others, it made some sense. His choices seemed more logical than in Revenge.

Unfortunately, Freddy's Dead returns to the geographical destiny found in Revenge. Although all of the nasty events depicted there took place in one town, they didn't have to be this restricted, as Freddy's power showed no connection to location.

Dead seems to feel that it did, however, as it presents Springwood as a shell-shocked burg that can't escape the shadow of the monster. The idea actually boasts some potential, since so few movies examine the after-effects of trauma.

Springwood sure went through an awful lot of dead teens, yet we saw no resonance from this during the first four sequels. You'd think this would seriously mess with folks' minds, and Dead attempts to portray that reality.

However, it does so in a silly, cartoony manner that takes away from any potentially scary consequences. In fact, this shows one of the main failing of some of the Nightmare films: the way they went away from terror and made Freddy more of a cartoon character.

Krueger lost most of the fearsome and chilling qualities he displayed in the first couple of movies. Instead, he became a hip, catch-phrase uttering jokester.

Dead exemplifies this pattern, as so much of it playes for cheap laughs. The film really does show promise, and not just from the examination of the impact the murders had on the town.

It also introduces a Krueger child, an element that could add psychological resonance. Unfortunately, it doesn't, as the matter gets treated like a simple plot twist and not explored very well.

I could excuse the fact that we never heard of Krueger's family prior to this sixth movie, though one would think the concept would have materialized before this time. It didn't, and I'd guess it shows up here just because the filmmakers ran out of other ideas.

Sign they became desperate: Dead actually features a 3D segment. Was there any good reason for this portion of the film to be 3D?

Nope, other than as a gimmick to drag people into theaters. It didn't work, either as a fun treat or as an inducement to potential movie-goers.

Freddy's Dead doesn't become a complete disaster, but it nonetheless seems pretty lame. The film turns into a morass of lame thrills and flat characters, and it enjoys no reason toexist other than as a reason to make money. Add to that some of the most annoying cameos in memory and you find a fairly bad movie.

The Disc Grades: Picture B/ Audio B/ Bonus D+

Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare appears in an aspect ratio of 1.85:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. Though not great, the image seemed more than satisfactory.

Sharpness was largely positive. A few interiors appeared a little on the soft side, but the majority of the movie came across with good accuracy and delineation.

I noticed no issues with jaggies or shimmering, and the image lacked edge haloes. With decent natural grain, I didn’t sense any intrusive digital noise reduction, and print flaws were absent.

Colors seemed adequate. Dead went with a low-key, amber and blue influenced palette, and the hues appeared fine within those choices.

Blacks were fairly dark and tight, and shadows showed largely appropriate clarity, albeit a little on the dim side. I felt the transfer held up pretty well.

I also thought that the DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack of Dead worked nicely, as the soundfield maintained a reasonably active and engaging affair. During the film’s quieter scenes, the forward channels dominated. They showed good stereo imaging for the score and also offered realistic ambience.

Not surprisingly, this movie kicked to more involving auditory life during its occasional horror scenes, and those offered positive use of all five channels.

The elements seemed appropriately located and they blended together nicely. The surrounds added a fair amount of unique information and meshed together in a pleasing way.

Audio quality appeared solid. Dialogue came across as natural and warm, while music seemed bright and vibrant, as the score presented clear highs and tight low-end.

Effects packed a good punch, so those elements appeared distinct and vivid. They lacked problems related to distortion, and they demonstrated deep bass response. Overall, the soundtrack of Dead worked well.

How did the Blu-ray compare to the original DVD? The lossless audio felt more dynamic and accurate, while picture appeared better defined and clearer. The Blu-ray acted as an appealing upgrade.

In addition to the film’s trailer, we find four featurettes. Rachel’s Dream fills two minutes, 48 seconds with notes from director Rachel Talalay and actor Robert Englund.

“Dream” looks at how Talalay rose through the New Line ranks and got her shot as first-time director of Dead. This becomes a short but informative snippet.

With 3D Demise, we get a two-minute, 18-second clip that features Talalay and special effects designer John Carl Buechler. “Demise” examines the movie’s climactic sequence and its challenges. We find another brief but effective clip.

86’d runs one minute, 40 seconds and features New Line CEO Robert Shaye. He tells us how the Nightmare series ran out of ideas in a fairly honest chat.

Finally, Hellraiser spans 40 seconds and brings notes from filmmaker Clive Barker. He also discusses the difficulties involved when a series gets long in the tooth. It’s a passable snippet but nothing memorable.

As long as A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 exists, Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare won't be the worst movie in the series, but it comes close. Because I like the franchise, I don't find this film intolerable, but it seems fairly crummy across the board. The Blu-ray brings generally solid picture and audio but it skimps on supplements. Leave this one to Nightmare diehards.

Note that the Blu-ray of Freddy’s Dead can only be found as part of a seven-movie “Nightmare on Elm Street Collection”. While the first flick can be purchased on its own while the second and third appear in a “two-fer” disc, films four through seven appear solely in this package.

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