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Shawn Levy
Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rose Byrne, Aasif Mandvi, Max Minghella, Josh Brener, Dylan O'Brien, Josh Gad
Writing Credits:
Vince Vaughn (and story), Jared Stern

Hiring them was a brilliant mistake.

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson team up to crash the digital world in this laugh-out-loud buddy comedy you've been searching for! Trying to reboot their obsolete careers, old-school salesmen Billy (Vaughn) and Nick (Wilson) talk their way into an internship program at the state-of-the-art Google campus, vying for a handful of spots among tech-savvy college students who are half their age and twice as smart. The competition is fiercely funny as Billy and Nick break all the rules in a hilarious quest to land their dream jobs!

Box Office:
$58 million.
Opening Weekend
$17.325 million on 3366 screens.
Domestic Gross
$44.645 million.

Rated PG-13

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
English DTS-HD MA 5.1
English Descriptive Audio Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1
French Dolby Digital 5.1
Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Russian DTS 5.1
Ukrainian DTS 5.1
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 119 min. (PG-13 Rated Version) / 125 min. (Unrated Cut)
Price: $39.99
Release Date: 10/22/2013

• Both Rated and Unrated Cuts of the Film
• Audio Commentary with Director Shawn Levy
• 8 Deleted Scenes
• “Any Given Monday” Featurette
• Trailer and Previews
• DVD Copy


Panasonic 50" TH-50PZ77U 1080p Plasma Monitor; Sony STR-DG1200 7.1 Channel Receiver; Panasonic DMP-BD60K Blu-Ray Player using HDMI outputs; Michael Green Revolution Cinema 6i Speakers (all five); Kenwood 1050SW 150-watt Subwoofer.


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The Internship [Blu-Ray] (2013)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (November 4, 2013)

Back in 2005, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson scored box office paydirt with the major hit Wedding Crashers. They reunite for another comedy with 2013’s The Internship.

When their boss Sammy (John Goodman) decides to retire, Billy McMahon (Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Wilson) lose their jobs as high-end watch salesmen. They find it tough to land new gigs, so Billy advocates an unusual path: they’ll become interns at Google.

Though they boast virtually zero technical skills, Billy and Nick schmooze their way onto the Google campus. They end up on a team with other “black sheep” and try to work their way toward the top – and a coveted job at the tech giant.

I’m not quite sure what expectations were for Internship, but given the $209 million Crashers made in the US, I’m sure they anticipated better than the lackluster $44 million Internship grossed. Honestly, I can’t explain why the flick bombed, as I think it offers a pretty fun comedic experience.

Most of the movie’s success comes from the chemistry between its lead actors. Wilson and Vaughn combined well in Crashers and they continue to shine here, as they add real vivacity to the material. Does either actor do anything particularly new? No, but they don’t need to stretch themselves, as they work just fine within their usual parameters.

Without Wilson and Vaughn, Internship would become a much less satisfying film, but that doesn’t mean they carry the show all on their own. The supporting performers do just fine as well, and the flick sprinkles in a couple of solid cameos, too.

One of those delivers by far the funniest moment in the flick. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’ll just say it involves a major comedy actor and his explanation of the meaning behind a tattoo. It’s a subtle gag but it made me laugh hard; heck, when I first saw the movie, I was still chuckling about it 10 minutes later.

Beyond the actors, it does become more difficult to conjure true positives about Internship. The story lacks much life, as it’s a basic combination of “fish out of water/underdog” narratives, and it follows entirely predictable paths. If we find a single curveball along the way, I can’t think of it; each and every character arc proceeds exactly as one would expect.

Like a number of modern comedies, Internship also goes too long, and it runs out of steam as it proceeds. The first act easily works the best; while we still find plenty of laughs in the remainder of the film, it doesn’t live up to the fun we discover in that initial 40 minutes or so. Internship could tighten up a bit and probably become more satisfying.

These complaints aside, I still like Internship quite a lot. It reinvents no comedic wheels but it doesn’t need to do so, as it capitalizes on the immense chemistry between its leads to keep us amused and entertained.

The Blu-ray Grades: Picture B/ Audio B-/ Bonus B-

The Internship appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 2.40:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. This was a good but not exceptional presentation.

For the most part, sharpness seemed positive. However, a little more softness crept in than I would’ve expected, especially during interior wide shots; those could be a bit on the tentative side. Still, overall definition worked fine. I witnessed no issues with shimmering or jagged edges, and edge haloes were absent. No print flaws marred the presentation either.

Colors went the stylized route, with an emphasis on amber and teal. They did warm up as the film progressed, though, and looked fine within design parameters. Blacks were dark and deep, and shadows showed nice clarity. The mild softness left this as a “B” but it was still a pretty good presentation.

I thought the DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack of Internship was unexceptional, though it worked fine for this sort of film. Of course, I didn’t expect a dazzling soundfield from this sort of comedy, and I got what I anticipated – for the most part, though it didn’t bring out the pizzazz I thought I’d get in some of the more action-oriented scenes.

In terms of effects, general ambience ruled the day. Surround usage stayed limited; the back speakers gently fleshed out various settings and boasted good music involvement but did little more than that. This became a disappointment with scenes like the Quidditch match, as I thought those would open up the soundscape more than they did.

In those forward channels, the music provided nice stereo separation and opened up the mix reasonably well. There wasn’t a whole lot of activity or movement, but the effects conveyed a passable sense of space and place. The track functioned appropriately for the story most of the time.

Audio quality appeared fine. Dialogue was consistently warm and natural, though I noticed a little edginess at times. Effects were a minor component of the mix, and they seemed appropriately subdued and accurate; there wasn’t much to hear, but the various elements were clean and distinct. The music came across as acceptably distinctive. This was a standard “comedy mix” and became a decent reproduction of the material.

When we shift to extras, we find two separate versions of the film. We get the theatrical edition (1:59:25) and an unrated cut (2:05:01). What do we find from the added five minutes and 36 seconds? Much of the footage gives us “R”-rated content, especially in terms of profanity; expect a lot more “f-bombs” in the unrated cut. The longer version also delivers some nudity during the “night on the town” sequence.

Most of the extra material just pads sequences in the “PG-13” edition, but we find a few more prominent components. Nick gets into a fight at his nephew’s Little League game, and Billy and Nick commiserate about their miserable lives after that contest. Nick and Dana’s nap pod chat also runs longer, and we get an epilogue during the end credits that doesn’t appear during the “PG-13” version.

So which cut works better? Neither, really – I think the Unrated version is fun to see but I don’t feel it’s superior to the theatrical edition, partly due to length; the “PG-13” cut is already too long, so an extra five minutes stretches our patience even more. Still, I like the Unrated cut just fine, and it’s nice to have as an option.

Alongside the theatrical version, we get an audio commentary from director Shawn Levy. In his running, screen-specific piece, Levy discusses the project's roots and development, story/character/script areas, cast, performances and improvisation, the unrated cut, visual design and cinematography, working with Google, sets and locations, music, and a few other areas. Levy also takes a few Twitter questions from his followers along the way.

Levy tends to be a pretty average director, but he sure can deliver good audio commentaries. Levy proves to be fun, bright and informative he covers virtually all the relevant aspects of the production. The chat moves quickly and turns into a terrific look at the movie.

Eight Deleted Scenes fill a total of eight minutes, 26 seconds. Almost half of that running time comes from the first two clips; those feature Tom Lennon and revolve around the foreclosure at Billy’s house. They’re pretty funny and become the best snippets found here.

The rest tend to be short extensions/expositional scenes. They’re interesting to see but not as good as the Lennon ones. Note that you can find the epilogue from the Unrated cut in this area, so you don’t have to watch that version to access it.

For a look at the shoot, we go to the 17-minute, 52-second Any Given Monday. It offers notes from Levy, 1st AD/executive producer Josh McLaglen, stunt coordinator Garrett Warren, production designer Tom Meyer, director of photography Jonathan Brown, and actors Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Aasif Mandvi and Josh Brener. “Monday” details the creation of the film’s Quidditch scene. It’s a nice examination of the segment’s complexities.

The disc opens with ads for The Wolverine, The Heat and The Way Way Back. Under Sneak Peek, we locate promos for The League Season Four, The New Girl Season Two and Modern Family Season Four. The disc also tosses in the trailer for Internship.

A second disc provides a DVD copy of Internship. It gives us the theatrical cut only and lacks any of the Blu-ray’s extras.

While not summer 2013’s funniest movie, The Internship nonetheless offers an enjoyable experience. Largely due to the immense chemistry between its lead actors, the film keeps entertained through much of its two hours. The Blu-ray brings us fairly good picture and audio along with a few useful bonus materials. Expect a light, breezy comedy with the fun Internship.

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