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Greg Daniels, Mike Judge Mark Steven Johnson
Mike Judge, Kathy Najimy, Pamela Segall, Brittany Murphy, Johnny Hardwick, Stephen Root
Writing Credits:

Join Beavis and Butthead creator Mike Judge and former The Simpsons writer/producer Greg Daniels as they mosey on back to the land of the Rio Grande, where Hank is wondering if he should vote for a fellow Texan in the presidential election. Later, while Bobby wishes he were older, Dale sues the tobacco company in an attempt to get money for his wife's face-lift so she can look younger. But the real horror comes when Hank gets devastating news about his birth and the future of his pick-up truck!

Rated NR

Fullscreen 1.33:1
English Dolby 2.0
Spanish Dolby 2.0

Runtime: 480 min.
Price: $39.98
Release Date: 11/22/2005

• None

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Sony 36" WEGA KV-36FS12 Monitor; Sony DA333ES Processor/Receiver; Panasonic CV-50 DVD Player using component outputs; Michael Green Revolution Cinema 6i Speakers (all five); Sony SA-WM40 Subwoofer.


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King of the Hill: The Complete Fifth Season (2001)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (January 9, 2006)

Animated series King of the Hill rolls along with this DVD release of Season Five. I’ll examine each of these programs in the way presented on the DVDs, which shows them in the order aired. The synopses come from the DVD’s packaging.

Disc One:

The Perils of Polling (first aired 10/1/00): “Hank (voiced by Mike Judge) has second thoughts about voting on Election Day after shaking George W. Bush’s limp hand – and so he goes Christmas shopping with Dale (Johnny Hardwick) instead.”

Season Five kicks off with a bang here – at least for the show’s first half. From the diving pig to Luanne’s endorsement of the Communist party, there’s plenty of good material here. The episode goes downhill a little in its second half but it still fares well overall.

The Buck Stops Here (first aired 11/5/00): “Hank’s plan for his son (Pamela Segall) to learn responsibility backfires after Bobby starts working for Buck Strickland (Stephen Root) and begins picking up the older man’s bad habits.”

Buck is a lot like Cotton: tiresome if we see him too much, but hilarious in small doses. That factor makes “Stops” a winner. Buck is so absurdly un-PC that he’s a riot; this one episode provides a season’s worth of memorable catchphrases. The subplot in which Peggy and Minh battle to win a coffee mug is also a winner and helps make this a fine show.

I Don’t Want to Wait for Our Lives to Be Over, I Want to Know Right Now, Will It Be… Sorry, Do Do Doo Do Do, Do Do Doo Do Do, Do Do Doo Do Do, Doo.. (first aired 11/12/00): “As Hank builds coffins for his family, Bobby struggles with the fact that he’s still treated as a child even as Joseph (Breckin Meyer) laments how awkward adulthood is for him.”

If nothing else, “Want” boasts undoubtedly the longest title in the history of a TV show. That’s the most interesting thing about a somewhat tedious show, unfortunately. As always, Bobby’s shenanigans offer some amusement, but not enough to offset the teen melodrama related to Joseph.

Spin the Choice (first aired 11/19/00): “Peggy’s (Kathy Najimy) Thanksgiving dinner is interrupted when John Redcorn (Jonathan Joss) arrives uninvited, and Bobby gets sent to his room for spouting anti-Thanksgiving sentiments in front of the guests.”

Possibly the most impressionable character in the history of TV, Bobby goes off the deep end when he embraces the Indian cause. I’d have liked more of that and less of John Redcorn. Sometimes one-note tertiary characters work best when they lack depth, and I think Redcorn gets less interesting the more real he becomes. At least Peggy’s idiotic “Spin the Choice” game is funny.

Peggy Makes the Big Leagues (first aired 11/26/00): “The Booster Club sends a distraught Hank to talk to Peggy after she fails the football team’s star fullback and gets him suspended from the team.”

Since I dislike Peggy so much, I find it tough to enjoy an episode that casts her as both sympathetic and in the right. A phrase as cynical as “stupid is going to get you to college” endears the show to me, but otherwise it seems rather mediocre.

When Cotton Comes Marching Home (first aired 12/3/00): “As Peggy works on her float for the upcoming Veteran’s Day parade, Hank finds out his father (Toby Huss) is so broke that he lost his house in Houston.”

Not one of the better Cotton episodes, this one takes an unfortunate turn as it makes him too sympathetic. Cotton’s best as a blunt cartoon, and I really don’t want to feel bad for him. I do like Peggy’s “Futility of War” float, though.

What Makes Bobby Run? (first aired 12/10/00): “Desperate to achieve immortality in the school yearbook, Bobby decides to try out to be the next Landry Longhorn, the school football team's mascot.”

Haven’t we already seen this show? It sure feels like it, as “Run” comes across as a retread of other Bobby-centered episodes. It’s also an unusually mean-spirited program, and it makes Bobby look dumb; wouldn’t he know about a tradition as popular as the mascot beating?

’Twas the Nut Before Christmas (first aired 12/17/00): “Bill has so much fun setting up his house as ‘Santa’s Village’ during the holidays that he puts a Santa bounce house in his backyard after the holidays are over – much to Hank’s dismay.”

Always a sad character, Bill becomes even more pathetic here. The series just doesn’t give him a break. He finally finds a way to fit in – and even get a date – but he ruins it. The show may go a little too far, but it’s generally good.

Disc Two:

Chasing Bobby (first aired 1/21/01): “Hank refuses to accept the fact that his prized truck, which has been giving him trouble, may only have another five or six hundred miles to go.”

Sweet and sad, it’s amusing and touching to see Hank’s attachment to his truck. It’s also amusing to watch such a stoic character break down and cry. The elements connected to Bobby are fairly unnecessary, but the show works fine as a whole.

Yankee Hankie (first aired 2/4/01): “While a distraught Hank tries to deal with the fact that he wasn’t born in Texas, Cotton and his buddies once again make plans to assassinate Fidel Castro.”

“Hankie” ends up as a missed opportunity. When it focuses on Hank’s identity crisis – complete with Seinfeld references to add even more of a New York flair – it works. Unfortunately, it goes down an odd path with Cotton’s assassination plot. I like the phrase “Kill, Topsy, kill!” but the rest of it’s lackluster.

Hank and the Great Glass Elevator (first aired 2/11/01): “Hank discovers that his family has been cooking with charcoal instead of propane, and Bill (Root) bumps into his ex-wife while on a date with former Texas governor Ann Richards.”

“Elevator” offers an episode where its “B” plot works better than the main thread. In the former, we see Peggy and Bobby face their shameful realization that they prefer meat cooked with charcoal. The show explores those elements well. The Bill story just seems odd and somewhat pointless, though at least we finally get to see Lenore.

Now Who’s the Dummy? (first aired 2/18/01): “After Bobby is given a ventriloquist’s dummy and comes up with his own clever routine, he’s disappointed to discover that people like the dummy more than they like him.”

The best Bobby episodes cast him as just a little odd, and that makes “Dummy” a pretty good show. It’s especially amusing to see Hank bond with Chip, and the program manages to give all of this a nice emotional spin at the end.

Ho Yeah! (first aired 2/25/01): “Unaware that a new employee at Strickland Propane is a prostitute, Peggy becomes her best friend and even offers her a place to stay – Hank’s den.”

Hank and Peggy may well be the most naïve people on the planet. It’s awfully amusing to see Hank turn into an inadvertent pimp, though, and I like the general subtlety with which it treats Tammy. Usually the series would make a character like her into nothing more than an opportunist, but we see Tammy’s good side as well.

The Exterminator (first aired 3/4/01): “When Dale is told he must give up his exterminator job or risk death due to overexposure to chemicals, he quickly finds his new area of expertise – firing people.”

Like Cotton, Dale is a great character – in small doses. The series knows better than to focus on him too often, and that allows episodes like this to work. The program actually makes Dale sympathetic as he suffers through a career crisis. His experiences at Stik-Tek provide laughs due to his ups and downs, and they also help make the piece ring true.

Luanne, Version 2.0 (first aired 3/11/01): “Concerned about Luanne’s (Brittany Murphy) over-active sex life, Hank takes her to a religious ceremony for a ‘soul do-over’ where she must promise not to have sex again until after she’s married.”

Is there any concept dumber than the “born-again virgin”? Probably not, and it smacks of desperation on the part of its proponents. Social criticism aside, “2.0” provides a solid show. We get a funny guest spot from Owen Wilson, and the complications related to Peggy’s past add some comedic intrigue.

Hank’s Choice (first aired 4/1/01): “When Bobby develops an allergy to dog dander, Hank reluctantly builds a deluxe doghouse for his beloved Ladybird, but the one who ends up living there isn’t the dog!”

Rarely do I identify with Hank as much as it comes to themes related to his dog. If forced to choose between my pooches and a child… hello, orphanage! That topic means that “Choice” presents many amusing moments, especially when Bobby moves into the dog house.

Disc Three:

It’s Not Easy Being Green (first aired 4/8/01): “Hank, Dale and Bill protest the town’s proposed new landfill site when they realize that work at the site will uncover a 30-year-old secret they’ve kept from Boomhauer (Judge).”

We’ve gotten a good run of guest actors this year, and we can add Paul Giamatti to that list. He plays this show’s wimpy do-gooder perfectly and brings a nicely judgmental feel to his character. The thread about the big secret is also excellent, especially when we see the guys in a flashback to the Seventies. When the two plots intersect, the episode really takes flight.

The Trouble with Gribbles (first aired 4/22/01): “When Nancy (Ashley Gardner) tells Dale that his smoking has ruined her skin and jeopardized her career, Dale sues the tobacco company hoping to win enough money to buy his wife a face-lift.”

Only Dale could cause so many problems when he tries to do good. His love for Nancy is one of the series’ sweeter elements, so it’s funny to watch how it backfires here. Dale’s misguided notions make this an amusing episode.

Hank’s Back Story (first aired 5/6/01): “As Hank prepares to enter the 1st Annual Durndale County Lawn Mower Races, he discovers his excruciating back pain is caused by the fact that he has no butt.”

I like the fact that King of the Hill usually avoids overt wackiness. Unfortunately, it engages in a nutty thread with Hank’s fake butt. This leads to more sight gags than I’d like and less inspiration. I’d prefer a show that just focused on the races, as that territory would be more amusing than artificial asses.

Kidney Boy and Hamster Girl: A Love Story (first aired 5/13/01): “When a security guard mistakes Bobby for a high school student, Bobby plays along by explaining that his short stature is due to his failing kidneys.”

I never experienced Bobby’s thrill of making the jump from middle school to high school. We had grades seven through 12 all in the same building, so the change simply meant a move of a few hundred feet. Anyway, while I can’t relate personally, I like “Hamster” quite a lot. It’s fun to see Bobby fake his way through high school, and the show offers plenty of funny moments, especially when Bobby makes up reasons for him and Connie to be in high school. The program ends Season Five well.

The DVD Grades: Picture B-/ Audio B-/ Bonus F

King of the Hill appears in an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 on these double-sided, single-layered DVDs; due to those dimensions, the image has not been enhanced for 16X9 televisions. Not only did Season Five fail to improve on prior packages, but also I thought it was a little weaker in terms of its visuals.

Sharpness caused a few more concerns. For the most part, the shows usually appeared concise and accurate. However, they could look a bit soft and fuzzy at times, and those instances occurred more frequently than in the past. Only minor issues with jagged edges or shimmering were evident, but some moderate edge enhancement could mar the presentation.

As in the past, some distractions from source flaws occurred. Most of these seemed to stem from poor clean-up animation. I saw specks and marks at times and felt the majority resulted from the sloppy finishing rather than from print defects. Nonetheless, they still caused some distractions.

Colors mostly looked good. They occasionally became a little runny, but they usually presented nicely vivid and vibrant tones. Blacks remained solid and deep, while shadows were appropriately dense but not overly thick. The image still looked good enough for a “B-“, but it wasn’t as consistent as I’d like.

On the other hand, the Dolby Surround 2.0 soundtrack of King of the Hill sounded a lot like the audio of prior seasons. The soundfield stayed focused on the front channels. Basic environmental audio was the emphasis, as we got a moderate feel for the neighborhood and various outside areas. Some panning made elements go from one area to another with gentle but believable movement, and the mix meshed well. Speech suffered from a little bleeding, though.

Songs and score sounded best, as they demonstrated nice stereo imaging. They contributed the biggest element in the surrounds. Other than the music, the rear speakers didn’t have much to do. Some bits like vehicles went from front to back nicely, but these facets didn’t appear frequently.

I thought audio quality stayed good. No problems with edginess or intelligibility occurred, as the dialogue was consistently concise and distinctive. As noted, the effects didn’t have much to do, but they sounded clean and smooth, as I noted no distortion or other flaws. Music always sounded very nice. The songs and score presented good definition and solid low-end, with some lively bass for these elements. As in the past, the soundtrack didn’t do enough to merit a grade above a “B-“, but it was perfectly satisfying.

As with Seasons Three and Four, no extras appeared along with Season Five.

I’d love for that to change, but I’m still fairly pleased with Season Five of King of the Hill. The series continued to be amusing and clever for the most part, as only a few episodes came across as duds. Picture and audio were unexceptional but more than acceptable. This wasn’t a great set, but I like the shows well enough to recommend it.

Viewer Film Ratings: 3.5 Stars Number of Votes: 4
1 3:
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