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Stephen F. Verona, Martin Davidson
Perry King, Sylvester Stallone, Henry Winkler
Writing Credits:
Stephen F. Verona, Martin Davidson, Gayle Gleckler

Set in 1958, the "Lords of Flatbush" are motorcycle driving, smoking, wisecracking, leather jacket and slicked-back-haired troublemakers who often use their fists to solve the problems in their lives.

Rated PG.

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
English DTS-HD MA Monaural
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 84 min.
Price: $29.99
Release Date: 12/31/2024

• Trailer


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The Lords of Flatbush [Blu-Ray] (1974)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (January 14, 2025)

Via films like 1973’s American Graffiti and TV shows such as 1974’s Happy Days, nostalgia for the 1950s reigned supreme in the early to mid 1970s. Yes, Graffiti took place in 1962, but that year existed as a cultural continuation of the 1950s, so for all intents and purposes, it reflects the vibe of the prior decade.

In this vein came 1974’s The Lords of Flatbush. Set in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn, the story focuses on four high school students who form the titular “social club” – ie, a gang.

This crew includes David “Chico” Tyrell (Perry King), Stanley Rosiello (Sylvester Stallone), Butchey Weinstein (Henry Winkler) and Wimpy Murgalo (Paul Mace). Though they continue to attend school, they show little interest in studies.

Instead, the lives of the “Lords” revolve around girls and brawls. We follow their ups and downs, mainly as they navigate various relationships.

This means a movie without much actual plot. Lords instead depicts the characters’ journeys.

Well, sort of. That statement implies a level of depth that never manifests in this thin tale.

50 years later, Lords probably maintains a connection to the culture due to the presence of Stallone and Winkler. Lords hit right as Happy Days wrapped its abbreviated first season and Butchey feels like a less cool version of the Fonz.

Stanley comes across like a tougher version of Rocky, and he becomes the closest thing to a full-blooded character the film possesses because he exists as the only one who shows any actual growth. Unfortunately, that offers more of a reflection on the bland quality of this movie than it is an indication of any strong writing or acting;

Lords tends to come across as a dirtier - and much less compelling - version of American Graffiti. Actually, the movie also shares a lot in common with 1971's Last Picture Show

Both took the period locations of the 1950s and imbued them with a more graphic nature than we saw in the sweetly innocent Graffiti or Happy Days. That worked well in Show but doesn't do much here, as ultimately Lords seems like little more than a half-rate combination of those two much better movies.

The film simply delivers little of interest, largely because characters generally feel flat and uncompelling. Our main lead, Chico becomes the worst of the bunch for two reasons.

First, Chico occupies the most screen time but we never see any sort of character development or nuance. He always remains a handsome lunk out to get laid.

Second, King seems inappropriate for the role. The other three members of the gang all look like thugs to some degree, but King would seem more at home as the star quarterback. Not for a second do I buy him as a juvenile delinquent type, and King lacks the acting chops to make it work.

It doesn’t help that not a single member of the cast passes for a high school student. They varied in age from 24 to 28 so the prospect of them as much younger kids feels preposterous.

Also, none of the leads ever becomes especially likable, with Chico again as the worst offender. He seems like an awful person and his pals don’t fare much better.

Not much happens in the movie, which doesn’t necessarily turn into a flaw as long as the characters work and the writing's crisp. Since neither become the case in Lords, the general lack of plot hampers the film to a strong degree.

It just kind of plods along with no real reason to exist, so it's just there. Ultimately, the movie seems mildly interesting as a curiosity due to the cast, but Lords does little to sustain the viewer's attention even across its brief 84-minute running time.

The Disc Grades: Picture B-/ Audio C/ Bonus D-

The Lords of Flatbush appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.85:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. The image never looked objectively good, but it seemed to represent the source.

Sharpness usually worked fine. While the movie rarely showed especially strong delineation, it brought decent definition.

No issues with jagged edges or shimmering appeared, and I saw no edge haloes. Grain felt heavy but natural, and no print flaws materialized.

Colors went with a fairly normal vibe that leaned blue or green at times. The disc replicated the hues in an appropriate manner, even if they felt somewhat heavy on occasion.

Blacks appeared deep and dense, while shadows looked smooth and clear. While not a good-looking film, I thought the Blu-ray did what it could with the source.

Even by the standards of low-budget movies from 1974, the movie’s DTS-HD MA monaural mix felt iffy. . Speech seemed intelligible but the lines consistently came across as thin and a bit edgy.

Effects appeared rough as well. Music managed adequate clarity and stood as the best aspect of the track, but these components never boasted real range. Given its age, the track still merited a “C“, but it came with a lot of weaknesses.

The disc includes the movie’s trailer but lacks other extras.

The Lords Of Flatbush never becomes a terrible movie. However, it seems overly derivative and lacks much to compel the viewer. The Blu-ray brings dated but decent visuals with mediocre audio and almost no supplements. Lords doesn’t work as a film.

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