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John Huston
Sean Connery, Michael Caine, Christopher Plummer, Saeed Jaffrey, Doghmi Larbi, Jack May, Karroom Ben Bouih, Mohammad Shamsi, Albert Moses
Writing Credits:
John Huston, Gladys Hill, Rudyard Kipling (story)

Adventure in all its glory!

Based on a Rudyard Kipling story and packed with spectacle, humor, excitement and bold twists of fate, John Huston's film of The Man Who Would Be King earns its crown as "an epic like no other. One of the screen's great adventure yarns" (Danny Peary, Guide for the Film Fanatic). Sean Connery and Michael Caine - chins out, shoulders squared and with a sly wink - star as British sergeants Danny Dravot and Peachy Carnehan. The Empire was built by men like these two. Now they're out to build their own empire, venturing into remote Kafiristan to become rich as kings.

Box Office:
$8 million.

Rated PG

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
English Monaural
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 129 min.
Price: $34.99
Release Date: 6/7/2011

• “Call It Magic: The Making of The Man Who Would Be King” Featurette
• Trailer


Panasonic 50" TH-50PZ77U 1080p Plasma Monitor; Sony STR-DG1200 7.1 Channel Receiver; Panasonic DMP-BD60K Blu-Ray Player using HDMI outputs; Michael Green Revolution Cinema 6i Speakers (all five); Kenwood 1050SW 150-watt Subwoofer.


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The Man Who Would Be King [Blu-Ray Book] (1975)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (May 24, 2011)

Despite a long and varied career as a writer, the works of Rudyard Kipling have infrequently made a successful transition to the big screen. The most famous exception comes from The Jungle Book. Disney's version remains the best-known iteration of that tale, but the story has also made a splash with some live-action versions, most notably the one from the Forties with Sabu.

Other than that, however, adaptations of Kipling have been fairly rare and not-so-successful. A review of the record shows that although films of his stories were mildly plentiful in the early days of films, they slowed greatly in the Forties - which only included that aforementioned version of Book and have only trickled out since that time. With four adaptations, the Seventies was the most active period since the Thirties.

The Seventies is also the period that offered arguably the best Kipling adaptation: John Huston's marvelous version of The Man Who Would Be King. Frankly, I don't know all that much about Kipling's works, but I do get the feeling this film is one that really gets it right. It packs a nice sampling of adventure, comedy, drama and social commentary during its length and it provides a very satisfying experience.

The story actually involves Kipling himself (as played by Christopher Plummer), although he isn't usually an active participant in the proceedings. Actually, most of the tale functions in flashback mode. It starts with a confrontation between Kipling and a rather worn and grizzled mystery man. We soon discover this guy is Peachy Carnahan (Michael Caine), a raconteur with whom Kipling associated (at least in the fictional world of the story).

As the movie progresses, we find how Kipling came to know Peachy and his partner in crime (literally) Daniel Dravat (Sean Connery) and how Peachy ended up in such a sorry state. It seems that the two decided to take off for a semi-mythical area north of India and wanted to conquer it for themselves. The film covers all of the events that transpire as they set out on this goal.

King is a difficult movie to discuss in detail because I don't want to reveal too much of what happens to our protagonists. Obviously one can infer that things end poorly or else Peachy wouldn't be in such a sorry state, but many surprises occur along the way, and that's where we find much of the fun. So many improbable events happen to affect our characters that I don't want to enumerate them. Suffice it to say that the two go through a wide variety of experiences during their pursuit of wealth and power and the movie rarely lags.

Huston does a wonderful job of moving us through this rich material. He lets the camera linger long enough to milk scenes for their true worth but he rarely overdoes it to the point where we tire of certain areas; the plot proceeds at an acceptably leisurely pace but doesn't become slow or indulgent.

The presence of a couple of talents like Caine and Connery certainly helps make the film more engaging as well. Caine's absolutely terrific as Peachy. Improbably, he initially upstages the imposing Connery, which is no mean feat. Caine makes Peachy a most engaging and delightful character but also adds depth to the role, especially as the movie continues.

I didn't think Connery was quite as successful with Danny, although it should be noted that he got the more challenging part, since Dravat becomes more of the focal point as the story progresses. Connery seems a little lost in the shadows during the early going but he soon emerges with his characteristic power and vigor.

The two actors feature a strong chemistry that also helps the movie immeasurably. There's a warmth and geniality between the two that makes the characters' bond believable and realistic. This kind of interaction doesn't always seem obvious on the screen, but when it exists it makes a film more compelling in a subconscious manner, and it definitely benefits this project.

Normally I don't much care for stories similar to The Man Who Would Be King. Something about the genre never really appealed to me. However, this movie provides a very entertaining experience. In the hands of a legendary director and with two strong actors, the tale comes to life vividly and excitingly. Perhaps part of the reason we don't see many Kipling adaptations is because they're difficult to do well, but King shows how entertaining them material can be.

The Blu-ray Grades: Picture A-/ Audio C/ Bonus C-

The Man Who Would Be King appears in an original theatrical aspect ratio of approximately 2.40:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. Almost no concerns affected this satisfying presentation.

Sharpness worked well. A few shots showed a sliver of softness, but those were exceedingly minor. Instead, the movie boasted solid clarity and accuracy. No issues with jagged edges or shimmering appeared, and edge enhancement was absent. Source flaws failed to mar this clean transfer.

Colors appeared bright and bold, with hues that looked accurate and well-saturated but lacked any signs of bleeding or noise. Black levels were deep and rich, and shadow detail usually seemed appropriately dense without appearing excessively thick. A few shots used "day for night" photography and looked too dark, but these are the exceptions; most of the low-light scenes were fairly clear. I felt totally pleased by this excellent image.

The film’s monaural soundtrack seemed average given its age. Dialogue was a bit thin and flat but remained clear and intelligible, even with some heavy accents heard in the piece. Effects were similarly slightly dull but relatively accurate. The score appeared clean and acceptably smooth, with somewhat lackluster bass but decent high end. The soundtrack was acceptable for a nearly 40-year-old film.

How did the audio and picture of this new disc compare with the original 1997 DVD ? Audio was a wash, as both versions offered similar sound. However, visuals demonstrated a radical upgrade. The Blu-ray was much tighter and clearer, and it lacked the source flaws and artifacts of the DVD. Use that one as a coaster, for the Blu-ray blew it away.

The Blu-ray provides most of the DVD’s extras. In addition to the film’s trailer, we get Call It Magic: The Making of The Man Who Would Be King, a 12-minute featurette created at the same time as the film's theatrical release. For the most part, this program seems of a kind with today's heavily promotional puff pieces. It creates less of a hard sell, but it generally lets us know how great the movie will be.

Still, time makes these things more charming, and since this kind of product is rarer for an older film, it actually feels pretty entertaining, though it's light on interesting details about the production. The best segment depicts the making of the climactic scene. (Yes, the program essentially gives away the ending, so don't watch it if you haven't seen the movie.) It's not a special program, but it's mildly entertaining.

In addition, the package features a hardcover book. This comes as part of the package; open up the disc’s casing and the book appears on the left half. It includes an essay called “A Dream Realized, A Film Remembered”, cast and crew biographies, photos and a list of awards. The book adds some nice elements to the set.

Overall, The Man Who Would Be King is a winner. The movie provides a very satisfying combination of adventure, drama and comedy and does so with flair to spare. The Blu-ray provides excellent visuals, adequate audio and minor supplements. I’d like to see the movie get special edition treatment someday, but I can’t complain about the presentation of the movie, as it looked great.

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