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Jared Hess
Jon Heder, Jon Gries, Aaron Ruell, Efren Ramirez, Diedrich Bader, Tina Majorino, Sandy Martin, Haylie Duff
Writing Credits:
Jared Hess, Jerusha Hess

He's out to prove he's got nothing to prove.

Napoleon Dynamite is a new kind of hero, complete with a tight red 'fro, sweet moon boots, and skills that can’t be topped. Napoleon spends his days drawing mythical beasts, duking it out with his brother, Kip, and avoiding his scheming Uncle Rico. When two new friends enter Napoleon's life - shy Deb and mustachioed Pedro - the trio launches a campaign to elect Pedro for class president and make the student body’s wildest dreams come true. But if Pedro is to beat stuck-up Summer, Napoleon will have to unleash his secret weapon ...

Box Office:
$400 thousand.
Opening Weekend
$116.666 thousand on 6 screens.
Domestic Gross
$42.821 million.

Rated PG

Widescreen 1.85:1/16x9
English Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby 2.0
French Dolby 2.0

Runtime: 95 min.
Price: $26.98
Release Date: 5/16/2006

Disc One
• Audio Commentary with Director/Co-Writer Jared Hess, Producer Jeremy Coon and Actor Jon Heder
• Audio Commentary with Actors Aaron Ruell, Jon Gries, Efren Ramirez and Tina Majorino
• Preview
Disc Two
• “On Location: Napoleon Dynamite” Documentary
• “World Premiere: Jared Hess” Documentary
Peluca Short Film with Optional Commentary
• “The Wedding of the Century” Featurette
• Deleted/Extended Scenes
• Outtakes
• “Casting Napoleon Dynamite - An Interview with Jory Weitz” Featurette
• Three Audition Videos
• “Napoleon Sightings”
• Still Gallery
• MTV On-Air Promos


Sony 36" WEGA KV-36FS12 Monitor; Sony DA333ES Processor/Receiver; Panasonic CV-50 DVD Player using component outputs; Michael Green Revolution Cinema 6i Speakers (all five); Sony SA-WM40 Subwoofer.


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Napoleon Dynamite: Like, The Best Special Edition Ever! (2004)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (May 5, 2006)

Many movies enjoy a happy life on DVD, but few fly quite as a high as 2004’s Napoleon Dynamite. Actually, the $400,000 flick did quite well at the box office given its budget. It took in a solid $44 million and found its own little cult.

However, that group increased substantially once the movie hit home video. Dynamite turned into a true pop culture phenomenon as the DVD led the way. Granted, as many folks hated it as loved it, but the film certainly became much bigger than anyone involved would have expected.

And it also grew bigger than it deserved. I’m afraid you need to lump me into the “hated it” category. This willfully quirky flick offers little substance and acts essentially as an unfunny waste of time.

Set in rural Idaho, we meet dorky high school student Napoleon (Jon Heder). Apparently friendless, he pretends he has great fighting skills, and he also believes in mythical creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. He lives with his grandmother (Sandy Martin) and older brother Kip (Aaron Ruell), another nerd who does little more than spend hours in Internet chat rooms.

When a new kid named Pedro (Efren Ramirez) comes to Preston High, Napoleon befriends him in his low-key way. Napoleon also meets classmate Deb (Tina Majorino) as she tries to sell things door-to-door to raise money for college. Kip insults her and she runs away, but eventually Napoleon tries to date Deb in his own logy manner.

Essentially the rest of the movie follows the various relationships but doesn’t include much of a plot. Matters complicate slightly when Pedro takes Deb to a dance. We also meet Napoleon’s Uncle Rico (Jon Gries); when Grandma hurts herself, he comes to take after the boys. Rico recruits Kip to engage in a marketing plan to make money. Eventually Napoleon convinces Pedro to run for class president as well against popular Summer Wheatly (Hayley Duff).

The visual design of Dynamite might give you the impression that the film takes place in earlier times. It comes chock with selections that create a feeling it’s set in the Seventies or early Eighties. These decisions seem odd, but the movie’s filled with weird options. It wears its strangeness on its sleeve and trumpets these choices.

In truth, were it not for its oddness, there’d be nothing to Dynamite. This is an aggressively quirky flick. It’s willfully, self-consciously weird, as it believes its unusual elements will make us think it’s clever and cool.

It’s not. Instead, Dynamite comes across like a one-note flick with nothing more to it than skewed nature. There’s no real plot, and the characters are one-dimensional. They’re generally pathetic, and not in a likable, endearing way. They simply annoy and act like morons.

It doesn’t help that the performances are cartoony. At first they’re slightly fun in an odd manner, but the gags get old quickly. This is possibly the most underacted movie ever made, as almost every character comes across in a slow, understated manner. All of this attempts to facilitate the humor, but instead it simply gets annoying.

Some movies try so hard to be different and unusual that they forget to attempt anything else. That’s the main flaw of Napoleon Dynamite. Its forced oddness is all it has to offer, and that makes it more like a really long and tiresome comedy sketch than a real movie. I could see this working as a five-minute bit on Saturday Night Live, but 95 minutes of this nonsense wears thin.

Footnote: fans should stick it out through the end credits for an extended epilogue.

The DVD Grades: Picture B/ Audio B-/ Bonus A-

Napoleon Dynamite appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.85:1 on this single-sided, double-layered DVD; the image has been enhanced for 16X9 televisions. The movie’s indie origins occasionally rendered it a little iffy, but it usually presented a good image.

With only a few exceptions, sharpness came across well. Some shots - mostly wider ones - displayed mild softness. Those didn’t occur frequently, as the majority of the flick was accurately defined. No issues with jagged edges or shimmering occurred, and I saw only a smidgen of edge enhancement. As for source flaws, occasional examples of specks popped up, but the movie didn’t show too many of those.

The film went with a natural but slightly subdued palette. The tones came across as adequately defined, though they tended to be a little pale. Blacks were deep and firm, and low-light shots offered good delineation. Ultimately, the movie didn’t jump off the screen, but it looked fine.

Don’t expect too much from the low-key Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack of Napoleon Dynamite. Just like the movie itself, it was a logy affair. The audio concentrated heavily on the front speakers. Music presented decent stereo imaging along with mild environmental elements. These meshed somewhat awkwardly, as they could be a little speaker-specific. In any case, they didn’t offer a lot of activity. The surrounds played an insubstantial role in the film. A couple of scenes like the one in the chicken coop and the dance showed minor use of the rear speakers, but for all intents and purposes, they were passive.

Audio quality was fine but unexceptional. Speech came across as fairly natural and distinctive, with no problems connected to intelligibility or edginess. Effects played a small role but sounded reasonably accurate and clean. Music was a little thin at times but usually appeared nicely defined and warm. The soundtrack didn’t offer much to stand out, but it was acceptable.

How did the picture and sound of this 2006 release compare to the original 2004 DVD? Both seemed very similar to me. The extra bitspace accorded this release’s dual-layered disc might have tightened up the picture slightly, but I didn’t see substantial improvements. I thought the new and old discs offered the same impressions.

A mix of new and old materials appear on this 2006 release of Napoleon Dynamite. Called “Like, the Best Special Edition Ever!”, this one spreads to two discs. I’ll mark elements found only on this DVD with an asterisk. If you don’t see a star, that means the component also appeared on the 2004 release.

We find two separate audio commentaries. The first comes from director/co-writer Jared Hess, actor Jon Heder, and producer Jeremy Coon. All three sit together for a running, screen-specific discussion. They chat about subjects like real-life inspirations for the film’s events and elements, locations, the cast and crew, and general production notes. The parts in which they talk about the movie’s background and genesis are good, but the rest of it seems pretty bland. Most of the comments don’t tell us much, and the guys devote too much time to praise for things. We constantly hear about how much they like this scene or that line. It’s a bland and only sporadically informative commentary.

For the second commentary, we discover notes from *actors Aaron Ruell, Jon Gries, Efren Ramirez and Tina Majorino. All four sit together for a running, screen-specific discussion. They discuss the movie’s credits, the inspirations for various aspects of the movie, characters and their depiction, locations and set design, and various anecdotes from the shoot. Occasionally we get some decent insights into the production. The actors toss out a fair number of nice stories that illuminate the movie’s creation.

However, much of the time the actors do little more than giggle at the film and praise it. They tell us how they love this bit or another and call things “classic”. Boy, do they seem to adore this flick! Combined with some dead spots, the plaudits make this commentary less useful than I’d like. When the participants focus on the creation of the movie, it works well, but when it devolves into happy talk, it gets tedious. There’s enough solid information to make the commentary positive, though; it’s definitely superior to the first track.

DVD One opens with an ad for Office Space. Oddly, unless it’s hidden as an Easter egg, the theatrical trailer for Dynamite appears nowhere in this package.

Moving to DVD Two, we start with two separate documentaries. *On Location: Napoleon Dynamite lasts 41 minutes, 36 seconds and consists almost entirely of footage from the set. We watch a variety of scenes as they’re shot, with an emphasis on how Hess worked with the actors. Occasionally we get a split-screen presentation that allows us to compare the raw production clips with the final movie scenes. I enjoy this kind of program and like the fact we get a lively behind the scenes glimpse of Dynamite.

Another documentary called *World Premiere: Jared Hess goes for 43 minutes, 28 seconds. It looks at Hess’s experiences related to the 2004 Sundance Film Festival. In this non-linear piece, we watch the lead-up to the premiere as well as the aftermath and what Hess went through along the way. We also see events like the Preston, Idaho “Napoleon Dynamite Festival” and meet others like Hess’s wife and family.

I thought this sort of behind the scenes program would be great, but it’s too inconsistent to be terribly valuable. It’s interesting to have a look at how Hess reacted to the various pressures, and he also tosses out some good reflections on various aspects of the movie. Heck, he even chats about his childhood bedwetting and other real-life influences.

However, “Premiere” includes too much self-indulgent material to work as well as I’d like. It’s a good piece, but it drags at times. I must admit it’s oddly fascinating to watch the stages of Hess’s eyebrows; the “20 Months After” shots show them at their most intense, but their furriness varies a ton over the months.

Next we get four Deleted Scenes. Viewed together, these run eight minutes and five seconds. “2nd Locker Room” and “Kickball and Outtakes Montage #1” present a pair of new segments, while “Extended Thrift Store/Lotto Ticket” and “Holy Chip” are alternate versions of existing scenes. The first two are the more interesting of the set. We can watch the clips with or without commentary from Hess, Heder and Coon. They offer some basic production notes and also relate why the clips got cut.

Newly added to this release, we find an additional four *Extended/Alternate Scenes. These run a total of five minutes, 11 seconds. We get “Current Event (Extended)”, “Chapstick (Extended)”, “Nupont Fiber-Woven Bowls (Alternate)” and “Extended Time Machine Scene”. These lack any form of commentary. They also fail to present much new material. Most of the footage shows bits that already appear in the final film; the additions are extremely brief. Die-hard fans might dig them, but no one should expect much from these very minor extensions.

Three new *Outtakes also show up here. These fill a total of six minutes, 25 seconds. One shows “Kip’s Sweet Love Poem”, a longer take on the inane message Kip sends to his girlfriend. Another offers “Lord of the Dance”, a short clip from an earlier production that influenced Dynamite. “Outtakes Montage #2” includes a few goofs, but it also lets us see scenes from unusual points of view. For instance, we get a take in which we only watch the other students as Napoleon talks in front of the class. We also get a couple of small trims that offer unique information. Though there’s nothing terrific here, at least these bits are more interesting than the new “Extended/Alternate Scenes”.

In the Still Gallery, we get 43 shots. Mostly these give us production photos, but a few details like close-ups of drawings also pop up here.

A short film called Peluca lasts eight minutes and 46 seconds as it presents Hess’s 2002 student film precursor to Dynamite. It casts Heder as “Seth”, a character identical to Napoleon in every way other than name. Really, Peluca is essentially a short and primitive version of Dynamite, as it consists mainly of scenes in the final flick (or deleted scenes, in any case). It’s cool to see as a historical artifact, and since it’s so much shorter, it might actually be more entertaining than Dynamite.

We can also watch Peluca with commentary from the usual trio. They toss out minor production notes but don’t tell us much. Instead, they largely just make remarks related to the movie’s story.

The three-minute and 46-second The Wedding of the Century! gives us a little behind the scenes look at the shoot of the movie’s epilogue. We get notes from Heder, Ramirez, Ruell, and actor Shondrella Avery. They chat a little about the ending scene and the movie in general. It’s promotional and not very interesting.

A featurette entitled *Casting Napoleon Dynamite - An Interview with Jory Weitz runs for 13 minutes, six seconds. He talks about how he got involved with the production as well as his work casting the movie. Weitz specifically discusses recruiting Jon Gries, Efren Ramirez, Tina Majorino, and Sandy Martin. He lets us know why he chose these actors, character issues and working with Hess and company. The program ends up as informative and useful.

This area also includes three *Audition Videos that fill a total of five minutes, 14 seconds. These feature Majorino (2:20), Ramirez (2:16) and Haylie Duff (0:38). We saw glimpses of the first two in the Weitz interview, but it’s good to get them on their own along with the Duff snippet. It seems odd we don’t see Ramirez’s initial take on the character, though. As shown in the “Casting” program, Ramirez first made Pedro more animated but he changed this after notes from the director.

Under the banner of *Napoleon Sightings we locate many Dynamite-related TV appearances. These include “Clips from TRL” (five minutes), “Tankman Begins” from the 2005 MTV Movie Awards (5:56), Jon Heder in the opening of SNL (3:57), 2004 Teen Choice Awards (1:15), 2005 Teen Choice Awards (1:25), “Spelling Bee” (1:01), and three Utah State Fair ads (0:37, 0:36 and 0:37).

The marginally entertaining “TRL” stuff places Napoleon in Manhattan and features him as a “random VJ”, while “Tankman” – which also appears on the Batman Begins DVD - focuses on Jimmy Fallon but also features an appearance by Andy Dick and a brief spot from Napoleon at its end. It’s not funny at all. Note that this version comes uncensored, so we hear some profanity that clearly didn’t make it on MTV.

Heder’s SNL appearance shows his monologue mixed with movie-influenced characters and is awfully lame. For the first “Teen Choice” clip, we watch Napoleon and Nicole Richie play tetherball, while the 2005 segment shows Heder’s acceptance of the “Choice Movie Hissy Fit” award. Both are just as lame as they sound. “Spelling Bee” shows a contestant who quoted the film during his response. It’s random and odd though vaguely entertaining since it clearly confuses the bee’s hosts.

Finally, the three State Fair ads feature Napoleon and Pedro. As expected, they advertise the Fair in their odd little way. These are actually moderately amusing; they’re better than much of the material in the movie. While I can’t claim that the “Sightings” prove terribly interesting to me, I must admit I like the fact they’re here. Fans will clearly love being able to see this stuff.

In addition to the “Sightings”, we discover 13 MTV On-Air Promos that fill a total of seven minutes, 34 seconds. They’re simply quirky TV ads for the movie, though some of them include some unique footage. (Note that this area includes six promos not found on the original DVD; it only presented seven of these snippets.)

Does this 2006 release lose any extras from the original set? Not really. It drops a few ads for other Fox products and a “soundtrack spot”. Otherwise all the prior materials repeat here.

Oh, the 2006 DVD also omits the fullframe version of the film that popped up on the 2004 disc. This may bother some folks, but it doesn’t irritate me in the least. The movie appears in its original aspect ratio and that’s all that matters to me.

Based on the trailers, I thought Napoleon Dynamite had potential to be amusingly quirky. Instead, I found a movie that was nothing more than a tedious exercise in forced weirdness. The DVD presents reasonably good picture and sound as well as a broad roster of extras, though the bland audio commentary is a disappointment. If you enjoyed Dynamite, you’ll be pleased with this DVD, but I can’t recommend this wearisome clunker to others.

For existing fans of Dynamite, this special edition is the one to get – at least if you don’t own the original DVD. If you already have that version, the question becomes more complicated. I can only recommend a repurchase for fans who have a lot of interest in supplements. The special edition ads a nice mix of extras that should entertain and inform the movie’s partisans, but it doesn’t improve the picture and sound of the original disc. Whether the new supplements are worth the extra money involved in a repurchase will be up to you. Whatever the case may be, I think this is a good release.

To rate this film visit the original review of NAPOLEON DYNAMITE

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