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Cliff Owen
John Richardson, Olinka Berova, Edward Judd
Writing Credits:
Peter O'Donnell

Beautiful young Carol gets taken over by the spirit of mysterious Ayesha, queen of the lost city of Kuma.

Rated G

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
English DTS-HD MA Monaural
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 91 min.
Price: $29.99
Release Date: 2/26/19

• Audio Commentary with Monster Party Podcast Hosts
• Interview with Assistant Director Terence Clegg
• Interview with Visual Effects Artist Joy Cuff
• Interview with Clapper/Loader Trevor Coop
• “World of Hammer” Featurette
• Trailer & TV Spots
• Still Gallery


-LG OLED65C6P 65-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV
-Marantz SR7010 9.2 Channel Full 4K Ultra HD AV Surround Receiver;
-Panasonic DMP-BD60K Blu-Ray Player
-Chane A2.4 Speakers
-SVS SB12-NSD 12" 400-watt Sealed Box Subwoofer.


The Vengeance of She [Blu-Ray] (1968)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (February 13, 2019)

After 1965’s She became a hit, a sequel seemed inevitable. One emerged in 1968 – sort of.

The Vengeance of She comes with a title that implies it continues the earlier film’s story and it feels like a sequel in theory. However, production issues altered plans and made Vengeance more of a remake than a true sequel.

Haunted by voices that call her “Ayesha”, Carol (Olinka Berova) journeys east due to supernatural forces beyond her control. Along the way, she meets Dr. Philip Smith (Edward Judd), and he follows her on this mysterious expedition.

Eventually they make it to the lost city of Kuma, where the inhabitants view Carol as the reincarnation of their Queen Ayesha. This leads to Philip’s imprisonment and a plot to find a path to immortality.

With a blonde goddess at the core and a story about mysticism and magic, it feels like Vengeance comes with plenty of potential for excitement and intrigue. So why does the end result seem so darned dull?

Because I never saw the original She, I can’t compare and decide if it delivered a more involving tale. I do know that it would seem awfully tough for the 1965 film to be less compelling than this sluggish, bland effort.

Part of the problem stems from pacing, as Vengeance moves in a glacial manner. It takes more than half the movie for Carol to make it to Kuma, and the film fails to use that time well.

During the movie’s initial half, Vengeance dilly-dallies and meanders. It wastes time with unnecessary tangents and shows no desire to actually head where the story needs to go.

Even when we get to Kuma, matters don’t improve in a substantial manner. While we find more overt action, the tale still feels flat, as we don’t get much to invest in or enjoy.

At times it feels like the filmmakers actively subvert the story’s potential. There’s so much here that could excite, but the result lacks drama.

Largely problematic acting doesn’t help. Most of the performers lean campy, and Berova herself fails to show even the smallest hint of a personality.

Clearly they cast Berova for her looks, as she can’t act – not at all. While she fulfills the side of the role that requires beauty, she fails to bring even the slightest scent of charisma or emotion to her part.

Not that Vengeance would fare better with a more competent lead actor, as it suffers from too many other flaws. Slow, campy and dull, the film goes nowhere.

The Disc Grades: Picture B-/ Audio C+/ Bonus B-

The Vengeance of She appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.85:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. Despite some iffy moments, the image usually worked fairly well.

Sharpness generally seemed positive. A little softness occasionally crept into wide shots and the poor bluescreen created distractions, but the majority of the film showed nice clarity and accuracy.

I saw no jagged edges or moiré effects, and edge haloes remained absent. Print flaws also created few concerns, as I saw little more than a handful of specks.

Vengeance opted for an earthy palette, with an emphasis on browns and blues. A few more dynamic hues occasionally emerged, but these dominated. The transfer replicated these in an acceptable manner, though I thought the tones could feel a little drab at times.

Blacks were pretty dark and deep, while shadows seemed acceptable, although some day for night shots could seem a bit dense. All in all, the image held up acceptably well over the last 51 years.

Note that the Blu-ray’s case claimed Vengeance offered a 1.66:1 aspect ratio. However, it clearly played as 1.85:1 on my TV.

Vengeance came with a wholly mediocre DTS-HD MA monaural soundtrack. Speech tended to seem somewhat distant and bland, without great naturalism, though the lines remained fully intelligible. Poor looping became a distraction at times.

Music showed more oomph, but this also meant a shrill quality at times. Effects followed suit, as they tended to be lackluster and occasionally a little distorted. For its age, the track was acceptable but it never became better than meh.

When we head to extras, we find an audio commentary from “Monster Party” podcast hosts Matt Weinhold, Shawn Sheridan, Larry Strothe and James Gonis. All four sit together for a running, screen-specific look at aspects of the film and its participants.

Rather than give us a standard “historian” commentary, the “Monster Party” guys prefer to go down a looser path. This means that we get filmmaking facts along with wisecracks and general thoughts.

At the start, this approach doesn’t work especially well, as the conversation focuses too much on jokes and too little on substance. However, matters improve considerably as the chat progresses.

While we still find jokes, we learn more about the movie, and we get interesting thoughts about the quality of the film itself. Unlike most commentary participants, the Party guys show a willingness to criticize the flick, and I find that refreshing. After an iffy start, this eventually turns into a satisfying track.

A few featurettes follow, and we get an Interview with Assistant Director Terence Clegg. In this two-minute, 35-second reel, Clegg offers a few memories of the production. While he brings a few good notes, the interview is too short to tell us much.

Next comes an Interview with Special Effects Artist Joy Cuff. During her eight-minute, two-second chat, she covers how she came to the project as well as her work. Cuff provides a short but enjoyable discussion.

After this we get an Interview with Clapper/Loader Trevor Coop. With this five-minute, 42-second reel, Coop tells us about his experiences during the shoot. This becomes a decent overview but not anything particularly memorable.

A vintage clip, a Worlds of Hammer episode called “Lands Before Time” fills 24 minutes, 40 seconds. It offers a compilation of scenes from Vengeance and other Hammer movies that come in similar genres.

If “World” came with information about the films, it might work. However, as a repository of movie snippets, it seems like little more than a long advertisement.

In addition to a trailer and two TV spots, we locate an Image Gallery. It provides 72 elements that mix shots from the set, publicity stills and advertisements. It becomes a good compilation.

A relentlessly dull attempt at an adventure, The Vengeance of She musters little more than yawns. Burdened with a sluggish pace and iffy acting, the movie falls flat. The Blu-ray brings generally positive picture along with adequate audio and a decent array of supplements. Vengeance fails to create an involving tale.

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