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Walt Becker
Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, William H. Macy
Writing Credits:
Brad Copeland

A group of suburban biker wannabes looking for adventure hit the open road, but get more than they bargained for when they encounter a New Mexico gang called the Del Fuegos.

Box Office:
$60 million.
Opening Weekend
$39,699,023 on 3287 screens.
Domestic Gross

Rated PG-13.

Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
English LPCM Uncompressed 5.1
English Dolby 5.1
Spanish Dolby 5.1
French Dolby 5.1
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 100 min.
Price: $15.99
Release Date: 8/14/2007

• Audio Commentary with Director Walt Becker and Writer Brad Copeland
• “Bikes, Brawls and Burning Bars” Featurette
• “How to Get Your Wife to Let You Buy a Motorcycle” Featurette
• Deleted Scenes and Alternate Ending
• Outtakes
• Previews


-LG OLED65C6P 65-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV
-Marantz SR7010 9.2 Channel Full 4K Ultra HD AV Surround Receiver
-Panasonic DMP-BDT220P Blu-Ray Player
-Chane A2.4 Speakers
-SVS SB12-NSD 12" 400-watt Sealed Box Subwoofer


Wild Hogs [Blu-Ray] (2007)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (August 29, 2023)

A mid-life crisis comedy with one well-regarded character actor and three former stars all apparently on the downside of their careers? That didn’t inspire confidence, and the critics agreed: 2007’s Wild Hogs stunk.

However, moviegoers at it up and delivered a shocking $168 million gross for the film in the US. I guess there’s an audience for craggy old guys after all.

Cincinnati middle-agers Doug (Tim Allen), Bobby (Martin Lawrence), Dudley (William H. Macy) and Woody (John Travolta) all lead dull lives and they need a little excitement. Their main pleasure comes from their little motorcycle-riding club, as they trot out their Harleys to tool around town.

To live up to their hoped-for bad-ass status, Woody suggests a group road trip. He eventually gets the other three guys to agree and hit the highways, a journey that brings a slew of comedic adventures.

I went into Hogs with exceedingly low expectations. Perhaps due to that factor, I actually found it to be surprisingly entertaining.

However, take that as faint praise. In this case, “surprisingly entertaining” means the film didn’t make me want to slit my wrists.

No, Hogs never caused me to consider suicide, and it offers a little amusement along the way. Not much, but “a little” beats “no”, I suppose.

Much of the credit goes to the cast. Not only does the film boast a pretty good roster of leads, but also we get a mix of talents in smaller roles.

I won’t mention them so I don’t ruin any surprises. Nonetheless, the flick fills out supporting parts with many good performers, and that factor bolsters its effectiveness.

Given the caliber of the actors, though, I probably should view Hogs as more of a disappointment. It definitely incorporates an awful lot of talent for not a lot of entertainment.

Again, my relatively positive view simply comes from the fact that I anticipated a completely painful experience based on what I’d heard about the film. I still think so many talented folks should be able to make a more effective movie.

Macy gets most of the laughs. He doesn’t stretch his skills to play a shy, nerdy computer programmer, and I think Macy could play that kind of role in his sleep.

He may well have done so here. Nonetheless, he brings an endearing quirkiness to Dudley that gives him some mildly amusing moments.

The other three leads do nothing to harm their roles, but they fail to elevate them. Only Macy manages to add anything to his one-dimensional part.

Perhaps my biggest complaint about Hogs comes from the predictable – and often really tacky – nature of its gags. We get an unpleasant thread of homophobia that runs through many of the jokes, and these feel dated and ineffective.

No, the movie doesn’t bash gays, but it uses homoerotic themes for comedy and these prove off-putting. We also find too many gags about the problems of middle-aged men, but at least those feel more natural in this sort of flick.

You know, I could rip apart Wild Hogs. It’s really not a very good movie, and it comes with a mix of flaws.

But I won’t attack it, partly because it provided a smattering of amusing moments, and partly because I’ve seen many crummier films. This one never remotely threatens to become memorable, but it doesn’t cause pain either.

And at least it never uses “Born to Be Wild” in its soundtrack. I suppose it deserves some sort of award for that.

Footnote: is it just me, or is there something oddly fun about hearing Tim Allen refer to a character named “Woody”? Maybe that’s why I didn’t hate Wild Hogs: I got to flashback to the Toy Story films.

The Disc Grades: Picture B/ Audio B+/ Bonus B-

Wild Hogs appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 2.35:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. This became a good but not great image.

Sharpness was good. Some edge haloes cropped up and impacted delineation, and I also thought some noise reduction created mild softness. Still, the overall impression remained pretty positive.

No issues with jagged edges or shimmering occurred. Sources flaws remained absent.

The film went with a mix of teal and amber. These didn’t seem extreme and the disc reproduced them in a satisfying manner.

Blacks were good, and shadows seemed clear and concise. Overall, the transfer appeared pretty positive.

The LPCM Uncompressed 5.1 audio of Wild Hogs also worked well, as with all the road scenes, the soundfield opened up nicely. Bikes and other vehicles zipped around the spectrum well and created a fine sense of the highway settings. Otherwise we got general ambience that formed the places in a pleasing manner.

The surrounds added good info to the mix. They weren’t particularly active much of the time, but they connected with the forward speakers to a good degree.

Audio quality was strong. Speech always remained natural and concise, and the score showed solid range and clarity.

Songs followed suit, while effects also came across as clean and accurate. They displayed punch when necessary and always seemed well represented. This was a perfectly good mix.

How did the Blu-ray compare to the DVD version? The uncompressed audio felt a bit warmer than the DVD’s lossy track.

Visuals boasted the usual format-based improvements, as it looked better defined and more film-like. Even with my minor complaints, the Blu-ray still offered a clear upgrade over the DVD.

The Blu-ray includes the same extras as the DVD, and we begin with an audio commentary from director Walt Becker and writer Brad Copeland. Both sit together for this running, screen-specific chat.

We learn about what brought them onto the project, locations and sets, cast and performances, song choices, stunts, motorcycle-related topics, and a few other production notes.

Becker and Copeland provide a competent but fairly banal commentary. They tell us some good details, most of which connect to the actors and their work.

However, we get a lot of praise for all involved and the track never becomes terribly involving. There’s enough here to keep fans interested, but the commentary never becomes very stimulating.

Two featurettes follow. Bikes, Brawls and Burning Bars: The Making of Wild Hogs goes for 16 minutes, 19 seconds and brings info from Becker, Copeland, stunt coordinator Jack Gill, and actors John Travolta, William H. Macy, Tim Allen, and Martin Lawrence.

We learn what attracted Becker to the project, issues related to the cast and performances, motorcycle-related subjects such as actor training, improvisation, stunts, action and general notes.

Though “Bikes” comes with some of the expected happy talk, it does manage to deliver a mix of good notes. I like the discussion of how they got the actors comfortable on their bikes, and it’s also amusing to see Ray Liotta’s intensity on the set. Don’t expect a stellar featurette, but “Bikes” is pretty good.

Next comes How to Get Your Wife to Let You Buy a Motorcycle. In this two-minute, 49-second clip, Gill offers some tips. This mostly acts as a conglomeration of movie clips and has little value beyond cuteness.

Two Deleted Scenes and an Alternate Ending fill a total of four minutes, 11 seconds. In addition to the “Ending” (1:34), we get “Acute Molar Abscess” (1:17) and “Chili Pepper Abuse” (1:20).

“Molar” just offers a minor extension of the scene in Doug’s office, while “Abuse” provides a short intro to a confrontation at the Madrid chili festival. Neither are problematic, but they’re pretty extraneous.

At least they’re better than the “Alternate Ending”. Frankly, it’s dreadful. It extends an already poor running gag and would have completed the flick on a truly idiotic note.

The first two can be viewed with or without commentary from Becker and Copeland. They offer some basic notes about the segments and let us know why they cut them. I have no idea why they couldn’t find the 79 seconds to discuss “Abuse”, though.

A collection of Outtakes runs two minutes, 34 seconds. These feature the usual fooling around moments and various mistakes. None of them are more interesting than usual despite the presence of various comedians on the set.

The disc opens with ads for Ratatouille, The Invisible, Meet the Robinsons and Invincible. No trailer for Hogs appears here.

Wild Hogs provides completely mediocre entertainment. Given my insanely low expectations for the film, that comes as something of an accomplishment, as I feared it would be a much crummier flick. The Blu-ray offers good picture and audio as well as a decent collection of extras. Though more enjoyable than I expected, I still think Hogs is forgettable at best.

To rate this film, visit the original review of WILD HOGS