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George Stevens
Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Faye Bainter, Reginald Owen
Writing Credits:
Ring Lardner Jr., Michael Kanin

Rival reporters Sam and Tess fall in love and get married, only to find their relationship strained when Sam comes to resent Tess' hectic lifestyle.

Rated NR

Aspect Ratio: 1.37:1
English Monaural
French Monaural
Spanish Monaural
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 114 min.
Price: $14.99
Release Date: 9/19/2000

• Trailer


Panasonic TC-P60VT60 60-Inch 1080p 600Hz 3D Smart Plasma HDTV; Sony STR-DG1200 7.1 Channel Receiver; Panasonic DMP-BD60K Blu-Ray Player using HDMI outputs; Michael Green Revolution Cinema 6i Speakers (all five); Kenwood 1050SW 150-watt Subwoofer.


Woman of the Year (1942)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (February 2, 2017)

One of the all-time great screen couples, Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy paired for the very first time with 1942’s Woman of the Year. Both Tess Harding (Hepburn) and Sam Craig (Tracy) write for the New York Chronicle, but they occupy different spheres of influence. Tess enjoys immense fame and popularity as a progressive political journalist, while Sam works for the sports section.

With all these differences, Tess and Sam don’t much like each other – for a while, at least. Eventually they fall in love and marry, a life change that comes to weigh on Sam when he lives in his famous wife’s shadow.

Spoiler alert: Tess sacrifices some of her independence to become closer to Sam’s idea of what a woman should be. Does this surprise me? No, but it disappoints me, as I’d hoped Woman would manage a little stronger “progressive” agenda than that.

Granted, it’s unfair to view the film’s attitudes through modern lenses. What qualified as forward-thinking in 1942 can look practically barbaric to modern eyes, so it becomes incumbent on the viewer to accept these differing attitudes.

Which I do – and yet, I still think Woman comes up short. It strikes me as a film that believes it boasts a progressive mindset but actually ends up with a fairly traditional POV. Though Woman does attempt a compromise of sorts, it still feels backwards anyway.

Even without my disappointment related to the way the film ultimately treats Tess, Woman leaves me cold. This occurs mainly because the movie never makes Tess and/or Sam especially interesting characters. It gives them various personality traits but fails to coalesce these into actual living, breathing people.

It probably doesn’t help that we see so much of the story from Sam’s point of view, and he’s easily the less compelling of the two leads. I suspect the filmmakers did this because he comes across as more of an “everyman” than overachieving Tess, but it still turns into a mistake because Sam seems like something of a jerk.

Which becomes almost shocking given the actor involved. With his warm, rumpled façade, Tracy oozed likability, so the off-putting manner in which Sam comes to us surprises me. I don’t think Tracy tried to make his character such a jerk, but that’s the end impression.

I do blame the script for most of these failings, as Trscy finds himself stuck with some genuinely unpleasant moments. He’s forced to declaim misogynistic tripe such as “the ‘Outstanding Woman of the Year’ isn’t a woman at all!” and he even gets stuck with a scene where he gratuitously attacks a man of foreign descent.

That bit may offer the film’s low point. At a party, Sam encounters a man in a turban who doesn’t speak English. The movie plays this guy’s non-comprehension for mocking laughs and has Sam call the man a “silly little jerk”.

Why? Because he’s foreign, I guess. The guy seems perfectly cheerful and pleasant – he just doesn’t know English. That makes him a jerk?

Perhaps that attitude feels more logical given the movie’s cusp-of-World War II production schedule, but it still is ugly and pointless. The turbaned character’s only sin is his status as a foreigner so attacks on him seem cruel and pointless.

As noted earlier, I can semi-forgive these moments due to cultural aspects of their era – and I also suspect they’d bother me less if I actually enjoyed the movie. Unfortunately, Woman mainly feels like a more comedic, less tragic Star Is Born.

And a dull one at that. As noted, the characters fail to becomes especially interesting, and the paper-thin story proceeds at a slow pace. Some scenes – such as one in which Tess attempts to cook breakfast – go on forever with little payoff.

All of this adds up to a disappointing film. With Tracy, Hepburn and legendary director George Stevens along for the ride, one expects greatness from Woman of the Year, but the final product seems mediocre at best.

The DVD Grades: Picture D+/ Audio C/ Bonus D-

Woman of the Year appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.37:1; due to those dimensions, the image has NOT been enhanced for 16X9 televisions. This was an iffy presentation.

The transfer’s main problems stem from print flaws. Quite a few specks and marks cropped up across the movie’s 114 minutes, and these created distractions. The film could’ve been dirtier, but it could’ve been a lot cleaner as well.

Other aspects of the image also came with ups and downs. Wide shots tended to be a little soft, and I noticed moderate edge haloes, but overall sharpness was acceptably positive. The picture lacked great delineation, but it seemed decent to good for the most part.

No issues with jagged edges occurred, but checked clothing patterns showed mild shimmering. Blacks seemed deep and dense. Shadows were clear and smooth, and contrast looked fine. The source defects and occasional softness were the main concern here, and they made this a below average image.

I felt the monaural soundtrack of Woman seemed okay for its era. Speech seemed thin but the lines were concise and intelligible. Music appeared acceptably full; the score didn’t have much heft, but it was fine when I considered the era’s technology.

The same went for the effects, as they were adequate and suffered from no issues connected to distortion. This was a perfectly average mix for its age.

The disc provides the movie’s trailer but includes no other extras.

As the first movie to pair Katharine Hepburn with Spencer Tracy, 1942’s Woman of the Year boasts a special place in cinema history. Unfortunately, it seems lackluster as a film, for it fails to create interesting characters or entertaining situations. The DVD comes with mediocre audio, poor picture and almost no supplements. The actors occasionally give the film a little life but in the end, it disappoints.

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