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Guy Ritchie
Jason Statham, Josh Hartnett, Colt McCallany
Writing Credits:
Ivan Atkinson, Marn Davies, Guy Ritchie

H gets a job at an armored truck company but he hides an ulterior motive.

Rated R.

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
English DTS-HD MA 5.1
English Descriptive Audio
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 119 min.
Price: $34.99
Release Date: 7/13/2021

• None


-LG OLED65C6P 65-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV
-Marantz SR7010 9.2 Channel Full 4K Ultra HD AV Surround Receiver
-Panasonic DMP-BD60K Blu-Ray Player
-Chane A2.4 Speakers
-SVS SB12-NSD 12" 400-watt Sealed Box Subwoofer


Wrath of Man [Blu-Ray] (2021)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (July 11, 2021)

In 2019, director Guy Ritchie sat behind the camera for Disney’s hit Aladdin, his biggest commercial success. Aladdin took Ritchie outside his wheelhouse, as it asked him to deviate from his usual regimen of violent gangsters.

Early 2020’s The Gentlemen got Ritchie back to his roots, and he continues that path in 2021. With Wrath of Man, Ritchie returns to the grittier “R”-rated material of his formative cinematic efforts.

Patrick Hill (Jason Statham) joins armored truck company Fortico Security. Although he passes qualifying tests by a slim margin, Patrick – given the nickname “H” by his new co-workers – displays superior combat skills when confronted by assailants.

This makes H a burgeoning legend at Fortico, albeit one with a secret. As H continues his time at the security company, his true motives become clear.

Although he went down occasional detours like Aladdin or the Robert Downey Sherlock Holmes movies, the previously-mentioned gangster movies remain Ritchie’s calling card. He gained attention in the 1990s via Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, a movie that appeared to brand him as a British Tarantino, and much of his later filmography echoed that vibe.

The Gentlemen marked a fairly overt return to Ritchie’s earlier style, but Wrath proves different. Although it embraces gangsters and “R”-rated violence, it manages tonal variations that allow it to stand out from Ritchie’s stereotypical efforts.

Which I regard as a good thing. While Ritchie makes fairly interesting “Guy Ritchie movies”, I appreciate that he tries something a bit different with Wrath, a film that follows a darker route than his usual glib affair.

Wrath easily could’ve turned into just another flashy Ritchie movie, especially since it reunites him with Statham, a member of the Lock cast and an occasional collaborator.

Statham often adopts a fairly broad, glib tone of his own with his performances, a factor that made him a good fit with Ritchie. Given H’s murky past, though, the actor needs to bring something else to the table, and he does so well.

Without question, H could easily turn into the kind of badass super-assassin sort we often see in stories like this. While Wrath allows H his moments of astonishing skill, it also gives him a level of depth that ensures the character doesn’t just turn into another cliché master killer.

To discuss these elements would go into spoiler territory, so I won’t elucidate. Just understand H will offer a more complex character than usual for this kind of film, and Statham plays the role well.

Statham avoids the kind of jokey energy that carried him in flicks like The Meg and Hobbs & Shaw. Instead, he channels H’s inner turmoil to create a surprisingly compelling character.

Wrath also manages some plot detours that give it a more episodic feel than one might initially anticipate. These could make the movie disjointed and erratic, but Ritchie handles them well and brings all the threads together for an incendiary climax.

All of this leads to a strong crime thriller. Dark and ominous, the film creates a cruel but engaging world and keeps us with it.

The Disc Grades: Picture B+/ Audio B+/ Bonus F

Wrath of Man appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 2.40:1 on this Blu-ray Disc. This wasn’t a flawless presentation but it looked good.

For the most part, sharpness satisfied. A couple of wider shots suffered from a minor decline in delineation, but the majority of the film seemed accurate and concise. No issues with jagged edges or shimmering occurred, and I saw no edge haloes or source flaws.

Colors went down the stylized path, with a trend toward teal and amber/orange. These seemed perfectly satisfactory given the visual choices.

Blacks appeared rich and taut, while low-light shots displayed nice clarity and smoothness. Overall, I remained pleased with the image.

Similar thoughts greeted the involving DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack of Wrath. Violent scenes brought the most active information, as those used gunfire and other elements of mayhem to create a vivid sense of the material.

Music also created a good presence, as the score filled the speakers to the film’s advantage. All of these factors formed a lively soundscape.

Audio quality worked well, too. Music was dynamic and full, while effects appeared accurate and dynamic.

Speech seemed distinctive and concise, without edginess or other issues. The soundtrack added to the movie’s effectiveness.

No extras appear here – not even previews for other movies.

Though the film takes him back to his usual milieu of violent criminals, Wrath of Man doesn’t put Guy Ritchie. Abetted by a strong lead performance, Ritchie turns this into a deep, wrenching journey. The Blu-ray offers strong picture and audio but it lacks any bonus materials. Wrath delivers Ritchie’s best movie in years.

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