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Andrzej Bartkowiak
Karl Urban, The Rock, Rosamund Pike
Writing Credits:
David Callahan, Wesley Strick

Space Marines investigate strange events at a research facility on Mars but find themselves at the mercy of genetically enhanced killing machines.

Box Office:
$60 million.
Opening Weekend:
$15,488,870 on 3044 screens.
Domestic Gross:

Rated NR.

Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
English DTS X
Spanish DTS 5.1
French DTS 5.1
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 113 min.
Price: $14.98
Release Date: 2/10/2009

• “Basic Training” Featurette
• “Rock Formation” Featurette
• “Master Monster Makers” Featurette
• “First Person Shooter Sequence” Featurette
• “Doom Nation” Featurette
• “Game On!” Featurette


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-Marantz SR7010 9.2 Channel Full 4K Ultra HD AV Surround Receiver
-Sony UBP-X700 4K Ultra HD Dolby Vision Blu-ray Player
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-SVS SB12-NSD 12" 400-watt Sealed Box Subwoofer


Doom [4K UHD] (2005)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (February 27, 2025)

Based on a legendary videogame, 2005’s Doom sounded like a potential winner. However, with its withering reviews and anemic worldwide box office take of $58 million, it did nothing to separate itself from other financial duds in the genre.

Set in 2046, we learn that 20 years earlier, scientists discovered a portal called “The Ark”. This leads to an abandoned civilization on Mars.

Even now no one really understands why this was done or who did it. All isn’t well, as some unseen beasties attach a scientific compound settled on Mars.

From there Marines receive an order to find out what happened. Led by Sarge (The Rock), the Rapid Response Tactical Squad (RRTS) heads through the Ark to get to the bottom of the situation.

Among the crew, we spotlight John “Reaper” Grimm (Karl Urban), a Marine whose scientist parents died in the Olduvai settlement. He left a scholarly path after that, but his twin sister Samantha (Rosamund Pike) carried the torch, and she remains on Mars to continue this work.

This means the pair butt heads when they reunite. The movie follows an exploration of the planet’s mysteries but it usually concentrates on killing - lots of killing as the Marines find out what happened on the colony.

Going into my screening of Doom, I’d heard an abundance of negative comments about it. The flick garnered a miserable 19 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and I can’t recall anything positive related to it. I got the impression it was just another cheesy videogame adaptation.

And that’s exactly what it is, but the movie never aspires to be much more than that. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean Doom can’t offer its own brand of minor fun, at least once you get past its insanely derivative nature.

Sure, one would expect a film like this to seem familiar. After all, it comes based on a very successful line of videogames.

However, it’s not a familiarity with the Doom games that offers the sense of déjà vu. Instead, it’s the fact Doom the movie comes across as a virtual carbon copy of Aliens.

If the filmmakers didn’t intentionally rip off Aliens, I’ll eat a bug. There are far too many direct similarities for this to be anything other than a massive homage.

Of course, Doom lacks the backstory of Aliens since we don’t have a known character like Ripley on whom to concentrate, but it strongly duplicates the look and pacing of the earlier film once the Marines case the scientific compound. Indeed, the sets look like they were simply recycled from the prior flick.

And let’s not forget the characters. Along with their generic names come one-dimensional personalities.

In addition to Sarge and Reaper we get folks like sleazy perv Portman (Richard Brake), religious fanatic Goat (Ben Daniels), and rookie Kid (Al Weaver). The other characters don’t even amount to one-dimensional, so they’re just there, though at least the movie tries to break down some walls with a potential interracial romance between Samantha and Duke (Raz Adoti).

Granted, Aliens featured simple stereotypes for its Marines, but they were such fun stereotypes! I love Aliens far too much for me to be an objective party, but I can’t believe anyone will favorably compare the personalities of Doom with Hicks, Vasquez and Hudson anytime soon.

Despite all these deficits – and effects that look fairly cheesy – I must admit I feel Doom offers decent entertainment. The movie attempts its own form of plot, and this plays a role in the proceedings and character changes.

Nonetheless, we go to a flick like this for lots of action and mayhem. In that vein, Doom delivers more than a few solid sequences.

I maintain some ambivalence toward the movie’s showiest sequence: its “FPS” segment. This shows some of the action in a first-person point of view similar to gameplay.

I like this nod to the videogames, but it doesn’t make for very good filmmaking, as it just feels like I’m watching someone play Doom. Yeah, that’s the point, but once I get past the gimmick, the segment lacks spark.

Doom even musters some surprises along the way, as at least one of the characters turns out different than expected. Much of the film remains predictable, but I’d be lying if I said I saw all its twists in advance.

I’d also be lying if I said I thought Doom offered a great movie. Basically a rehash of Aliens combined with aspects of the videogame series, there’s not much here I could call creative or fresh. Nonetheless, it tosses out enough visceral mayhem to entertain fans of the action genre.

Note that this extended unrated cut of Doom runs about eight minutes longer than the 105-minute “PG-13” theatrical version. These add some extra action/violence as well as a few longer character bits.

The Disc Grades: Picture B+/ Audio A-/ Bonus B-

Doom appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 2.35:1 on this 4K UHD Disc. Though not stunning, this turned into a largely appealing presentation.

An intensely dark movie, blacks became more important than usual. Those elements fared well, as they seemed deep and dense.

Shadows worked fine as well, with good clarity to the many low-light shots. HDR added impact to whites and contrast.

Sharpness came across well. The odd long shot demonstrated light softness, but the flick usually appeared concise and well-defined.

I noticed no issues with shimmering or jagged edges and edge haloes remained absent. No print flaws marred the presentation.

As for colors… well, this wasn’t exactly an extravaganza of hues. In fact, I find it hard to recall many tones other than blood red.

The production went with a dark, gloomy look that didn’t favor much beyond harsh blues. We also got some blood reds along with oranges for establishing shots of Mars.

What we found looked fine, but this was a monochromatic flick much of the time, and the hues we got enjoyed a boost from HDR. A challenging image to reproduce, the Blu-ray usually did so well.

Downconverted to DTS-HD MA 7.1, I expected a visceral DTS X mix and that’s exactly what I got from Doom. The soundfield offered nearly constant movement and activity.

Gunfire and various other attack elements zipped around us and engulfed us well. These created an accurately placed and three-dimensional feel.

The surrounds added tons of unique information and played a very strong role in the proceedings. Monsters, explosions, and bullets filled the back, and the rears helped add to the feeling of mayhem.

The design made sure everything was appropriately localized and meshed together smoothly. The FPS sequence was especially memorable as it put us inside the character’s head.

I found few reasons to complain about the audio quality. Bass response was occasionally a little too loud, as some bits seemed boomy.

Nonetheless, I thought most of the low-end was impressive. Effects blasted us well and kicked us in the gut with solid clarity and definition.

Speech sounded concise and natural, while music was bold and bright. This was a very strong mix that made the movie more enjoyable.

How did the 4K UHD compare to the 2009 Blu-ray? The DTS-X mix seemed slightly more involving, bit the prior 5.1 worked so well that I didn't find much of an upgrade.

Visuals got a nice boost, as the 4K UHD seemed better defined and clearer than its BD counterpart. Blacks looked darker as well. The 4K UHD became an upgrade.

The 4K UHD repeats the BD’s extras, and we find a mix of featurettes. Basic Training goes for 10 minutes, 33 seconds, and includes notes from actors Karl Urban, Richard Brake, Deobia Oparei, Raz Adoti, and the Rock, and military advisor Tom McAdams.

As implied by the title, this show looks at the military training experienced by the actors. We watch their workouts and see how McAdams whipped them into shape.

I’ve seen plenty of similar feaurettes in the past, but this one still seems useful and interesting. I like the attitude McAdams brings to it.

Next we watch Rock Formation. This five-minute, 37-second piece features info from the Rock, animatronic and makeup effects supervisor John Rosengraft, and makeup artist Jeff Dawn.

The featurette looks at the makeup applied to the Rock for some monster sequences. Based on the title, I feared this would be little more than a cheesy puff piece about how cool the Rock is.

Happily, it’s much more informative than that. Its focus on showing the makeup processes makes it strong.

With the 10-minute, 55-second Master Monster Makers, we find notes from Rosengraft, the Rock, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Id Software lead artist Kenneth Scott, and actors Doug Jones and Rosamund Pike. As you might guess, this one shows us the design and creation of the movie’s beasties.

We learn about all the nuts and bolts as well as putting actors in the suits. This show turns out to be another good one, as it involves us in the material well. Once again, the footage from the shoot is a lot of fun.

After this we look at the First Person Shooter Sequence. The five-minute, 56-second reel includes statements from Di Bonaventura and visual effects supervisor Jon Farhat.

Since he directed the sequence, Farhat dominates this piece as he tells us all the planning and problems involved in shooting the scene. He gives us a good overview of how he tried to remain true to the game but also make the piece work for the big screen.

We follow this with the 14-minute, 39-second Doom Nation. It presents comments from the Rock, Di Bonaventura, Scott, G4 TV show hosts Kevin Pereira, Adam Sessler, and Morgan Webb, Id Software co-owner/CEO Todd Hollenshead, Id Software co-owner/technical director John Carmack, Id Software co-owner/artist Kevin Cloud, and Id Software co-owner/lead designer Tim Willits.

“Nation” looks at the creation and development of the original Doom game, its success and sequels, and its legacy. At times, this ends up as an ad for Doom 3.

Nonetheless, it gives us a good picture of the motivations behind the first game. It also offers a nice snapshot of the industry in the early 1990s.

For the final featurette, we get the six-minute, 47-second Game On! Some schmoe named “Jason” provides tips on how to survive Doom 3.

If I planned to play Doom 3, this might be helpful. I don’t, so it isn’t.

A second disc provides a Blu-ray copy of Doom. It includes the same extras as the 4K UHD.

Although it didn’t break the videogame movie curse, Doom doesn’t turn into the disaster I thought it’d become. While wholly derivative of Aliens and never anything memorable, it provides a lively and fun action-adventure that achieves most of its modest goals. The 4K UHD offers very good picture and audio along with a mix of mostly interesting featurettes. Fans of this sort of flick should have fun with Doom.

To rate this film visit the original review of DOOM

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