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Scott Allen
Tiffany Fallon
Writing Credits:
- Unknown -

She drives a pickup truck, loves sports and has an absolutely knockout body. Could Tiffany Fallon be any more perfect? The answer is yes, because now she can add the title of 2005 Playmate of the Year to her ample list of attributes. In this erotic video collection, the sexy brunette shows off her Southern accents in a way that'll have you whistling "Dixie" with delight!

Rated NR

Fullscreen 1.33:1
English Dolby 2.0
Not Closed-captioned

Runtime: 32 min.
Price: $19.98
Release Date: 5/10/2005

• “Behind the Scenes” Featurettes
• Tiffany Fallon Playmate Video Profile
• Cara Zavaleta Playmate Video Profile
• Stephanie Glasson Playmate Video Profile
• Photo Gallery
• Trailers


Sony 36" WEGA KV-36FS12 Monitor; Sony DA333ES Processor/Receiver; Panasonic CV-50 DVD Player using component outputs; Michael Green Revolution Cinema 6i Speakers (all five); Sony SA-WM40 Subwoofer.


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Playboy: 2005 Playmate Of The Year - Tiffany Fallon (2005)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (May 27, 2005)

Just like all the years I’ve been disappointed by the selections of the Oscar Best Picture, Playboy’s picks for Playmate of the Year (PMOY) rarely coincide with mine. Actually, I think they’ve let me down even more frequently than Oscar. I’m not sure that there’s ever been a year Hef and I agreed on PMOY, though some years I’m more disappointed than others.

Add 2005’s selection to the pile of let-downs. I thought 2004 presented two exceptional Playmates: Pilar Lastra (Miss August) and Cara Zavaleta (Miss November). I liked some of the others as well, but those two stood out as easily the best the year had to offer.

I figured neither of them had a shot to win, however, due to Hef’s predilection for blondes. Brunette lovers like myself had to endure long stretches without many dark-haired PMOYs. Look at the Nineties, a decade with only two brunette PMOYs, or the Eighties and its similarly low ratio. (I must admit some PMOYS like India Allen and Stacey Sanchez blur the lines – I see them as blonde, but they’re darker blonde and border on brunette.)

After a couple of poor blonde-haired choices to start the 21st century, Playboy finally started to recognize brunettes. This meant the presence of Christina Santiago as PMOY 2003 and Carmella DeCesare as PMOY 2004. Not only did we get two straight dark-haired PMOYs, but the magazine also went against the silicone trend of recent years. Before Santiago, eight of the prior 10 PMOYs were clearly “enhanced”, but both Santiago and DeCesare came with wonderfully natural breasts.

All of this meant I thought there was little chance we’d get another brunette PMOY for 2005, much less one without implants, so there went my hopes for either Lastra or Zavaleta to win. Well, my prediction was half-correct. Raven-tressed Tiffany Fallon (Miss December 2004) is as dark-haired as they come, but she clearly went under the knife before her Playboy experience. I’ve seen more obvious boob jobs, but I’ve also observed many more natural-looking “enhancements”.

So while Playboy went with an unprecedented third-straight brunette PMOY, they picked the wrong one. Despite my disdain for breast implants, I still think I should like Fallon, or at least find her more enticing than I do. However, as demonstrated in this Playboy Video Centerfold: Playmate of the Year, Fallon presents a curiously bland and uninspiring presence.

During the main program’s 32 minutes, we see Fallon in a mix of settings. The set-ups will seem familiar to fans of Playboy videos, as we’ve seen plenty of similar material in the past. Five vignettes form the majority of the piece. Fallon bounces around a movie lot to a country tune and then she poses in an edgy New York loft. In one fantasy sequence, she snags some dude’s cameraphone and takes nude shots of herself, while in another, movie-star Tiffany escapes paparazzi and then poses for a different guy on a rooftop and in a large theater. The other elements show Fallon in classic pinup poses.

In between these pictorial elements, Fallon chats about her life and her personality. She also tells us about her experiences at Playboy. These don’t fill a lot of time, however, as the vignettes dominate the program.

As always, we learn little real information about the model. Playmates always talk in generic tones about themselves and their careers, so these segments quickly turn tedious. I suppose the DVDs have to include them, but they’re eminently skippable.

Unfortunately, I find little reason to rewatch any of Fallon’s nude vignettes either. Granted, she was going to be a tough sell for me due to her chest. I really don’t like implants, and hers look bad here. In photos, they often seem surprisingly decent, but in these videos, her breasts come across as hard and bulbous. This spreads to Tiffany herself, as she lacks the “girl next door” charm of the best Playboy models. She’s not as fake and processed as 2002’s Dalene Kurtis - arguably the worst ever choice for PMOY, especially since she beat out fan favorite Lindsey Vuolo - but Fallon often comes across as an artificial presence.

This leaves her as a strangely boring model. Even given my dislike of her implants, she’s certainly very attractive. However, she lacks much distinctiveness, and the she never generates any fire. Perhaps she just doesn’t do well in front of the camera, but Tiffany can’t light up the screen or create much sex appeal in these settings.

Normally I’d blame the blandness of the vignettes. Playboy’s directors don’t show a lot of creativity in their settings, as we’ve seen many exceedingly similar bits in the past. Granted, I don’t know how much leeway they have; without getting into graphic scenarios, there are only so many ways to show a naked woman as she poses.

That said, Playboy videos have delivered some very hot vignettes in the past, with provocative set-ups and action. I’ve seen enough of these programs to recognize just how boring all of the ones here really are. There’s not a single interesting or memorable clip on display.

That leaves this Video Centerfold as a disappointing dud. I may not be wild about Tiffany Fallon as PMOY, but I certainly expected hotter action than what I found in this dull video, especially since I’ve seen many sexy vignettes that featured models I find to be significantly less attractive. Fallon lacks presence and charisma in front of the camera, and the director fails to do anything to spice up the proceedings. This is a weak Playboy product.

The DVD Grades: Picture B-/ Audio C+/ Bonus B-

Playboy Video Centerfold: Playmate of the Year Tiffany Fallon appears in an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 on this single-sided, single-layered DVD; due to those dimensions, the image has not been enhanced for 16X9 televisions. While not perfect, Year was better looking than most Playboy products.

Sharpness seemed decent. At times, some softness popped up, usually due to a gauzy style of photography apparently meant to smooth out some of Fallon’s harder edges. Delineation was erratic, as some shots were crisp and concise while others looked liked they’d smeared Vaseline on the lens. Overall definition was fine, and only occasional, minor instances of jagged edges or shimmering occurred. As for source flaws, I noticed a little video artifacting but that was it.

Colors was mostly positive. The tones consistently looked natural and vibrant. Due to the styles of photography, some gauziness occurred, but that wasn’t much of a problem, as the hues mainly were lively and dynamic. Blacks seemed good and not too muddy, and shadows were reasonably smooth and distinctive. Overall, the main problems was softness, but the program was still attractive enough for a “B-“.

The Dolby Surround 2.0 soundtrack of the 2005 Playmate of the Year seemed more ordinary, though it was a little better than other Playboy mixes. The soundfield only moderately broadened out from the center. Most elements stayed in the middle, but music showed some spread. Those elements heavily dominated the program, and the songs blended mildly to the side and surround channels. Dialogue stayed in the middle, and the occasional effects remained centered as well other than some light echo.

Within those constraints, audio quality appeared fine. Speech was warm and natural. Effects played very little role in the proceedings; other than the occasional snatches of speech, almost all we heard was music. Those songs sounded somewhat lackluster but they displayed acceptable breadth and range. Again, this track slightly bettered the usual Playboy mix, but don’t expect much from it.

As we head to the supplements, we find a few materials. First we get some Behind the Scenes. These include glimpses of “Tiffany’s Playboy Magazine Photo Shoot” (four minutes, 30 seconds) and “Playmate of the Year DVD Shoot” (3:50). Both work the same way, as we watch the sessions and hear comments from Fallon about the experiences. She adds pretty decent insight into the recreations of classic photos for the first featurette, but she gives us nothing of us in the second one. There she just talks about how amazing and wonderful everything was. We get some of that in “Magazine”, but there’s enough good content to make it moderately informative.

Next we find three Playmate Video Profiles. In addition to Fallon’s original video (11:06), we get “Profiles” for Cara Zavaleta (11:03) and Stephanie Glasson (10:35). These use the traditional format. Each model goes through four nude segments and she talks about herself in between these.

Fallon comes across as a little more natural here than in her PMOY segments, but not much. She remains a plastic vixen, one who attempts sexy moves but can’t make them work. Zavaleta, on the other hand, reinforces why I think she deserved PMOY honors. She displays terrific sex appeal and a lively nature in front of the camera. The sequences don’t always use her terribly well, but she looks great and makes them memorable nonetheless.

As for Glasson, she seems a bit tougher-looking than the average Playmate with her angular face and moderately muscular body. Unfortunately, these factors make her breast implants stand out in a rather obvious way that detracts from her other charms. Still, she’s a sexy woman, and her segments are acceptably entertaining.

A useful database comes to us with the Playmate Videographies. In this domain you’ll find listings for most the Playmates who showed up in Playboy videos. It’s an easy and effective way to find out where to locate your favorites, though it needs an update since it doesn’t mention Fallon or Zavaleta. Less helpful is the collection of Playmate Datasheets. These present the texts written for Fallon, Zavaleta and Glasson.

Next we get a Photo Gallery that presents 24 nude stills of Fallon, Zavaleta and Glasson. We can watch these via the usual stillframe access or a running filmed gallery that lasts two minutes. It’s a short but decent collection of photos.

The set also offers some trailers. This includes promos for 50 Years of Playmates, Sexiest Amateur Home Videos, America’s Sexiest Bartenders, Women of Fear Factor and the 2005 Video Playmate Calendar.

A disappointing video for a disappointing Playmate of the Year, Playboy Video Centerfold: Playmate of the Year Tiffany Fallon never becomes anything very interesting. I’m not wild about Fallon as a model, and the video vignettes do nothing to make her more appealing. They’re generic and bland and fail to deliver the goods. Picture and sound quality are consistently acceptable but no better. The set comes with a few nice extras, particularly since it includes a few bonus video pictorials. Overall, this is a mediocre release that I don’t recommend to anyone other than true Fallon fans.

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